11. The First Step.

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❝— My timings are perfect

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 My timings are perfect. I know that!

Well why do you look like you saw a demon? ....❞ 



"And that is all my dear citizens! Raise the wine glasses up in the air as we make toast to the next wonderful year!" Furina declared loudly as her voice echoed through the walls of the grandly illuminated walls. Raising her glass of drink up in the air, she toasted to conclude her speech, marking the ending of the final banquet and last of the four day festivities. 

Everyone in the hall was cheerful of their archon's enthusiasm and determination for a much prosperous year ahead as they lifted their cups above to toast. Neuvillette and (Y/n) who were standing beside one another, lifted their cups of drinks along with everyone as they cheered before gulping down the drink.

"Quite ceremonious by Lady Furina per usual." Neuvillette remarked as he stared at the Hydro Archon who continued boasting with other nobles from afar. Seeing the Iudex's unenthusiastic expression, (y/n) couldn't help but leave a little laugh which made the man slightly confused. 

"Is something the matter, lady (y/n)?" Neuvillette asked as he wasn't quite sure why she was laughing. Noting her inappropriate gesture, (y/n) freezes in her place as she feels a breeze of shame hitting her face.

clearing her throat, she fixed her composure once again, "Ah, pardon me for my lack of manners, Duke Neuvillette. I was simply amused by your concern for the Hydro archon even outside the walls of the Court." 

The older man paused and left a strained sigh before he muttered, "She is quite....highly spirited to say. Sometimes, too highly spirited. As her subordinate, naturally there in lies my duty to remind her of her standing in the noble society." he said as he looked at her munch down a slice of cake messily. 

(Y/n) merely observed him speak as if she was caught into the lullaby of a siren. Her eyes observed the stoic expression the Iudex had on his face as she replied, 

"She's still the Regina of the waters in Fontaine. Of course, playfulness might be her first personality but she's still beloved by everyone and I suppose there's an unknown side of hers that we do not know of." (Y/n) countered as her eyes averted back to the Hydro Archon in the distant. 

Hearing the word 'Regina', Neuvillette felt something uneasy stir in his chest. To hear someone mention another name for the ruler of the waters... it gave him an odd sense of feeling. 

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