08. A not-so new encounter!

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❝― I should  have my fortune 

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❝― I should  have my fortune 

checked out soon... 


The white haired gentleman sipped water from his cup as he silently observed the crowd from a distance. 

"You don't seem particularly happy about being here." the dark blue haired duchess remarked as she walked and stood beside him, adjusting her mask as she observed the Iudex. 

"I do not deny your assumption, Duchess." He replied back as he looked at her. Though he was wearing a mask, everyone were able to recognize him. The very idea of a masquerade was to hide identities behind a mask and enjoy the night but alas, he, the subordinate of the Hydro Archon, the second in-charge of Fontaine, had to be called out by the Herald as per the rules and traditions followed in Fontaine. 

Clorinde scoffed and crossed her arms as she continued, "As skeptical of human parties as ever, Duke Neuvillette?" 

The older man chuckled, "Of course not. I am quite certain  that I am not skeptical of this party but..." His eyes moved towards the water in his cup. "..rather, it could have been a splendid opportunity to stay out of the spotlight for once but alas, I cannot." 

Clorinde left a hearty chuckle as she heard Neuvillette's words. "You're starting to sound like Wriothesley. Has he influenced you that much?" 

"Not at all. I'd like to think that you've been influenced by him. I happened to notice your frequent consumption of tea during meetings." He replied back as he looked at Clorinde with a slight smile on his face. "That reminds me, Wriothesley should be here already? Unless, he decided to show a face and return back to the Fortress of Meropide." 

The dark blue haired lady shook her head as she said, "I'm sure he'll be somewhere in the corner. He's a man of his word after all....Also Neuvillette, my tea consumption has no relation with that bas—" 

Clorinde was interrupted as the brilliant team of orchestra began to play soothing classical music. It was almost time for the iconic dances exchanged between two anonymous partners. Something that the Iudex of Fontaine wasn't fond of doing despite being raised as a perfect ideal noble. 

"Ah, I apologize Neuvillette but I must go check on Lady Furina now." Clorinde excused herself as she went out to the crowd to find the aforementioned archon. Neuvillette stood by himself before he noticed a familiar face in the crowd. 

Though masks hid a person's face either completely or partially, he was still capable of recognizing the person's identity behind the mask. It was his ability to make keen observations in any surrounding given his experience in doing so for the past few hundred years. 

⨯ ﹒ ✦ ENDEARMENT - WRIOTHESLEY x F!READERWhere stories live. Discover now