12. The Waltz To A New Beginning.

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❝— Are you telling me that the daughter of the (l/n) house

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 Are you telling me that the daughter of the (l/n) house

is getting married to that infamous Duke?....

-some lady gossiping with her friend.


"W-What!?" Furina exclaimed as she wasn't quite certain of what exactly was happening out there right now. She sighed in exhaustion and sat down to her throne as she crossed one leg over the other, analyzing the situation.

"There! I asked for what I wished, Lady Furina. Could you fulfill this wish for your loyal subject, your royal highness?" Wriothesley said playfully as he looked at (y/n) from the crowd whose face was completely filled with shock and embarrassment as she didn't know how to react.

He looked back at the archon with a warm smile on his face, "I really, really wish to marry lady (y/n) and much preferably get your blessings before we formally get engaged."  He said in a low serious tone that made Furina think about it for a while. 

She left a long heavy sigh as she looked into the crowd, "Oh Miss (y/n)~ WOULD you mind coming forward, I think your lover would like your presence alongside him~" She teased the lady who was walking with not a single clue of what was happening. 

The shock was still coursing through her brain cells. She couldn't properly hear what was being said let alone realize what was happening. 

A few people giggled and laughed, congratulating the lady of [l/n] family as she walked carefully towards the front, whereas a few pitied her for even being in a relationship with the infamous, cold Duke of Meropide who rarely steps outside the Fortress of Meropide. Some were even quite jealous to the point they made comments beneath their breaths despite giving a good smile. 

Wriothesley walked away from Furina to go get (Y/n) himself. Like a true gentleman would, he waited for her to come out from the crowd.   

As she walked her way through the crowd, she saw Wriothesley stand there, extending his hand out for her to hold onto. She looked at him blankly as she put her hand onto his firm grasp, not knowing what else to do. 

Holding onto her fragile palm, he led her towards Furina who sat on her throne casually. He smiled warmly as she greeted the Hydro Archon. Furina on the other hand had a cheeky grin on her face as she looked back and forth at (Y/n) and Wriothesley. 

"Glory to the Hydro Regina of Fontaine, Your majesty, Furina de Fontaine." (Y/n) greeted as she bowed and did a little curtsy. She was still nervous as her face was warm and numb, still not recovering from the shock Wriothesley has given her tonight. 

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