17. Falling In Love Can Be Painful.

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❝— If you think you'll win this gamble, 

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 If you think you'll win this gamble, 

Think once again. 


"I take that everyone is already aware of the ongoing crisis of a potential epidemic in Fontaine." Neuvillette announced to everyone in the room as he read a few documents submitted surveys conducted by the health board of Fontaine. 

In front sat, (Y/n) and beside her, just a few meters away sat Louis as they were currently the two owners of the top pharmaceutical companies in Fontaine. Along with this seating arrangement came a very obvious imbalance in the power among the two as behind Louis sat a great number of tiny merchants and sellers whereas behind (y/n) only hardly three or four sat. 

To him, it was a very over priding moment as he was indirectly mocking (y/n) for the lack of support she had in contrast to him. However, to her, it was simply a show that Louis wanted to put forth.

Neuvillette cleared his throat and looked at (y/n) before speaking, "Lady —, no," he paused as he had forgotten her new status. It was quite hard for him to get the word out of his throat, however he quickly corrected himself, 

"Duchess (y/n), since you've already handled the situation in Poisson along with Count Callas and also effectively worked in controlling the situation, I must ask of you to help us by providing your insights."

The lady nodded as she answered, "It wasn't an alarming issue back in Poisson. It was merely an elevated version of a common Flu except it wasn't caused by a seasonal change, which is strange as I've failed to find out the root cause of the issue." she said in an uncertain tone earning a mocking scoff from Louis who sat no far away from her. 

"Without finding the root cause of the flu, you tried treating the citizens of Poisson? Hah, I understand your brilliance as a Scholar from Akademiya however wasn't your idea equal to using Poisson's people as scapegoats to experiment your medications?" Louis verbally attacked, emphasizing on certain words as he was reminded of the previous encounter in the parlor. 

She only sighed heavily, "Are you trying to imply that I'm trying to play with people's life here with medicines?" she asked in a uninterested tone, knowing where this conversation was shifting to. 

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