03. Fate Written in a Play.

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❝— where to find a man with black short hair 

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 where to find a man with black short hair 

and has a figure of a well trained man? ....


" You all can go out now, I'll call you if I need you here. " (Y/n) said to the maids who were present in the bathroom to help her take a relaxing shower.  The maids quickly bowed and swiftly left the room leaving their young master to bath alone. 

(Y/n) sat back into the massive marble tub, trying to relax after a hectic day of managing plants and herbs across the estate. Her muscles were quite tensed from all the straining work of carrying around boxes of freshly harvested herbs that were to be prepared as medical concoction . 

 The tension in her muscles faded away once she had settled into the tub filled with warm water and her much favorite brand of body washes gave a refreshing fragrance in contrast to the earthy smell she had on her body throughout the day. She even had another little tray set near her tub with a bottle of wine and a wine glass which remained untouched. 

At first she debated if she wanted to sip wine away as she took this relaxing time to prepare herself for tomorrow but her mind was rather too busy thinking about what was to happen sooner or later. 

"there's no way to escape the masquerade no matter what I do..." The lady thought to herself as she quickly lunged forward from the water, when a sudden realization struck as she could no longer think of any new ways to skip it. 

Had she pretended to be sick, the other 'ladies' of the society would make a mockery of her. If she lied about having to travel to Sumeru due to business reasons, others would again mock for her absence from their dear archon and ruler's birthday banquet.

Biting her inner lip, she angrily picked up the bottle of wine and placed the wine glass beside her. She poured the red liquid into her glass and began sipping it. The lady did not savor or appreciate the taste of the wine as she sipped it too often, trying to drink down her anger. 

One could say the wine deserved better, such as being savored in each sip and being appreciated for it's sweet and fermented taste. But alas, it fell into the wrong person's hands for such desires. 

First the engagement she couldn't break off and now the masquerade where she had to tolerate the hypocritical society. Both were equally frustrating and she wanted to bring both of the matters to conclusion. 

Even remembering about Louis's existence made her blood boil. If the laws of Fontaine were not as strict as it sounded, she would have long thrown Louis into the depths of the water. If she were to do that know, she could only think of an unpleasant trip to the Fortress of Meropide as a convicted criminal.

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