10. The Calm before the Storm.

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❝― Lies, lies, lies

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❝― Lies, lies, lies

When the truth comes out, you'll stand out.


"Duke Wriothesley." the lady called the idle man out as he was busy admiring the well maintained flowers in the back garden of the Opera Epiclese . Hearing his name being called out, he slightly turned his head over by his shoulder to face the lady's [e/c] irises as she awaited for his response. 

Seeing her stand there elegantly with her [f/c] dress adorned, he couldn't help but slightly smile acknowledging the lady's beauty. His lips curved up as he smiled, "It is a pleasure meeting you again, lady (y/n). You look quite beautiful today." he remarked playfully as he walked towards her, inching the distance between them. 

The lady scoffed at his remark with a slight tint of mutual playfulness, as she answered, "Thank you for the  flattery, Duke. I could say the same for you as well." 

The man slightly laughed as he adjusted the sleeves of his coat. "Oh please, you're the only one to say that. Anyway." he paused and looked at the lady who had a tense look on her face. 

"I apologize for not contacting you yesterday. We were supposed to go over the contract but I was unfortunately caught up with a few investigations and meetings." he explained to (y/n). 

Today was the last day of the four day long holidays celebrating the Hydro Archon's birthday.

 The last banquet where the Hydro Archon, Furina will address the gathering of nobles as well as conclude the celebrations with a feast. A typical banquet conducted by the royalty of Fontaine where nobles from all houses were invited whereas the common folk celebrated and paraded on the streets. As such, formalities include the presence of the three mighty dukedoms. 

Which brings us to the present. Wriothesley and (Y/n) agreed to meet each other two hours before the banquet begins to discuss matters of their contractual marriage. They were currently in the back garden as most nobles were assembled at the grand hall, chatting their time away while waiting for the Banquet to officially start. 

The woman was extremely distressed as she sighed. "I'm afraid there is a problem Duke Wriothesley. " she said as she bit her inner lips slightly. 

The Duke raised his eyebrows as he wasn't sure of what she meant by those words. He politely asked, "A problem? Have you changed your mind, m'lady?" 

"No, No!" The lady replied immediately as opposed to his idea. "it is just that...today we will run into a foreseen problem." 

⨯ ﹒ ✦ ENDEARMENT - WRIOTHESLEY x F!READERWhere stories live. Discover now