05. A Pen and His Observations.

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❝―Why does he seem so familiar to me?

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❝―Why does he seem so familiar to me?

... perhaps I have mistaken. 


" (y/n), look another boutique― never mind, it is quite crowded." Navia said dejectedly as she stared at the crowded boutique in a distance.  (Y/n) sighed to herself and looked at Navia, who was visibly seen to be quite frustrated. 

"...and that is why, we should avoid shopping for dresses to attend a masquerade exactly a day or two before the actual event." the lady said bluntly. Navia looked at her with deadpan stare for a second before she replied, "you speak like you have pretty new dresses for the event!" 

Navia was not wrong. (Y/n) was least prepared when it came to attending this event. Feeling attacked, she ignored Navia's sharp point and continued, "Now let us not laze around, there should be another boutique around the court of Fontaine, I'm certain!" said the lady as she walked ahead of her friend. 

Sighing heavily, Navia looked at (Y/n) in a distance as she marched ahead with full confidence. "wait up for me!" she shouted as she noticed how quickly (y/n) walked. 


"I apologize lady (y/n) but as you can see, we are fully packed with orders for this week! We cannot take any more orders as instructed by our boss..." a saleswoman said as she gave an apologetic look, whereas (Y/n) was filled with dread as she heard it. 

The lady was extremely exhausted and tired from walking around the court of Fontaine just to visit a boutique to purchase a new dress for the masquerade. Her despair was getting to its peak as she was now willing to pay how much ever the designers asked her for, except Navia is there to stop her from actually doing so.

 "I'm willing to pay three times more! or four times more IF THAT'S NOT ENOUGH, FIVE TIMES MORE! ―" (Y/n) was interrupted as Navia clung onto her arm, pulling her away. 

She pushed (y/n) aside and spoke to the saleswoman,"Ahaha...don't mind lady (y/n), she's feeling off today! We understand your situation-" 

(Y/n) immediately turned around and looked at Navia in disbelief, "No I don't understand!" she protested back but Navia firmly held onto her hand as she pulled the lady out of the boutique, having a smile on her face as she said, "...worry not when Navia's here! I'll explain you on the way!" 

⨯ ﹒ ✦ ENDEARMENT - WRIOTHESLEY x F!READERWhere stories live. Discover now