16. Oh, Duchess of Meropide.

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❝— I  for one, think that you're an actual fool, 

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I  for one, think that you're an actual fool, 

devoid of sense but full of  idiocy, Louis Whitlock. 


"A board meeting? With the Chief Justice? I'm not even a board member!" The woman said as she read through the contents of the letter, still quite confused as to why such a letter would be given in her name.

"An epidemic has broken out in Fontaine." Wriothesley said as he paused for a second, before he continued with the news.

"Duke Neuvillette wishes to discuss this matter with you along with the health board to take up preventive measures. After all, you were the one who handled the situation in Poisson when it formerly was the epicentre." Wriothesley said with a serious look on his face, completely opposite of what he had while talking about tea.

The lady's breath hitched as she took a step back.  "What do you mean.....Poisson isn't the epicenter—" she was at loss for words as she was overcome with surprise. Her hands immediately moved towards her mouth, covering it as she seemed to go into a deep thought about it.

According to what she had predicted a while ago, an epidemic would break out from Poisson and she had even stashed up medicines accordingly to treat all residents within Poisson. 

In the original story, it all started from Poisson and ended up throughout Fontaine, resulting in the death of many as well as how Louis came into power. To prevent the deaths as well as Louis's rise to power, she was preparing herself.

(Y/n) felt a dread wash over her body as this wasn't how it was supposed to go. It was too early. The epidemic would first begin in the season of winter in about a year but it was only summer in Fontaine and still one year behind. 

Even then, she head on planned to contain the first symptoms which eventually would spread from Poisson.

She wasn't prepared. If the epidemic was closer to larger settlements, like the Court of Fontaine, there's no way she could contain the epidemic.

Wriothesley noticed the fear-struck look on the lady's face as he got up from his seat, walking closer to her. She was frozen in her place as she tired to calm herself down and analyze the situation carefully but nothing was making sense.

"No. Poisson isn't the epicenter. Lumidouce harbor and Romaritime Harbor are the prime epicenters as of now. Your pharmaceutical knowledge is needed up there." he said as he looked at her. 

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