01. The Non-Existent Lover.

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❝— I have issues with you, 

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 I have issues with you, 

so I hope you can extend cooperation

.. by disappearing, for course.


" This tea tastes wonderful, my love, (Y/n)! Did you brew it yourself? No wonder it's so full of love and comfort! " A man in a formal suit with his blonde hair combed to the side perfectly, spoke as he lifted the teacup in his fingers to get a whiff of the earthly smoothing fragrance coming from the pipping hot tea. 

The woman sitting in opposite paid no mind to the man's words as each passing second irked her and her patience was running thin. She couldn't control her mouth from commenting, as she looked into his eyes, 

" I'm afraid you've mistaken. This tea isn't brewed by me but by her." (y/n) said as her gaze shifted from the man towards a maid who stood nearby the door. He turned around to look at the said person before he left a smile. 

The maid flinched as she came into eye contact with the man. She immediately lowered her head whereas, he stared at her a few seconds before he turned around with another smile. The smile and look he had given the maid earlier was not gone unnoticed by (y/n)

"I see, I apologize for my mistake, my love." He commented before indulging himself in more tea as he glanced at you. 

"Another point to nag." (y/n)'s tone was laced with annoyance as she lifted the cup of tea from her saucer, "Mr. Louis Whitlock, It would be preferable if you could stop fancying me with such intimate nicknames. I prefer you either address me with my designated title as a 'lady' or  simply prevent calling my name." she said as she took a sip of the tea.

"Oh, the tea tastes unusually bitter today. Perhaps it's his presence." (y/n) thought to herself as she stared at the ripples of the tea in her cup.

Louis was astonished as this was the first time he had seen such a behavior from (y/n). Though he had known her for almost ten years, he suddenly felt like a stranger in front of her. The coldness in her demeanor and speech did make him feel uneasy at the beginning, but now he was starting to get used to it.

Smirking to himself before he wondered if (y/n) had found something out. What was she going do despite knowing it all? 

"Why can't I call my own fiancé with adorable nicknames?" He asked with a smile but the smile was a simple facade to his true nature. His iris turned dark as he continued to stare at the woman before him. 

⨯ ﹒ ✦ ENDEARMENT - WRIOTHESLEY x F!READERWhere stories live. Discover now