07. A Deal struck, now get the papers!

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❝― Dear future 'fake' husband, business counterpart or even friend, Please forget our first meeting

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❝― Dear future 'fake' husband, business counterpart or even friend,
Please forget our first meeting. 


The two stood in complete silence as they stared at one another, both refusing to speak. The silence which felt like an eternity was broken by Wriothesley as he bowed his head like a true gentleman would do, before he spoke, "I apologize for the inconvenience caused madam. I wish to make it up to you but alas, I must leave for urgent matters." 

(Y/n) who was completely dazed and embarrassed from how she had behaved towards him earlier didn't know how to speak back to him. Her lips were parted but no voice came out from her throat. Almost as if the confidence and energy in her were sapped out in a brief moment. 

In her head, she believed she was delusional as she refused to acknowledge the man before her is none other than the Duke she had always wanted to meet. "Black hair..." she thought, "...ethereal, gem like eyes..." she paused, "...muscular body.."  her thoughts went wild as she stared at his figure shamelessly, which brought more embarrassment to her as her confirmations to reality were true. 

Wriothesley was about to wear his mask once again before he took his departure. (Y/n) was looking down at the stone slab beneath her feet as she lowered her head in shame. Only then did she snap back to her senses as she recalled her true intentions. Right as Wriothesley was about to tie the ribbons of his mask, (Y/n) called his name out. 

"Duke Wriothesley." She said sternly as she raised her head, half determined to strike the deal with him. He paused his action as he looked at her, paying attention to every single expression on her face. Lowering his hands from the back of his head, he looked at her attentively.

The lady slightly flinched before she cleared her throat and fixed her posture, making her appear more confident. She took a deep breath in before she exhaled out slowly. Opening her eyes, she looked at him  with great determination. 

"Duke Wriothesley, I have a request to ask. Could you make it up for me by fulfilling it?" she asked him. He thought for a moment and was about to refuse as he rarely accepted any but seeing the seriousness and determination in her eyes, something in him stopped him from outright refusing her. "I will try to do if it is within my capabilities." he replied calmly, seeming unbothered.

She smiled as she closed her eyes, making Wriothesley attentive at the more softer expressions on her face. His eyes slowly scanned every single spot on her face, realizing how genuine the smile appeared. 

⨯ ﹒ ✦ ENDEARMENT - WRIOTHESLEY x F!READERWhere stories live. Discover now