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No-one's pov's

Taehyung just stare his phone for a second before Strom out of his car in heavy rain. He went inside to the parking lot. There he saw a black car only. He went straight to the car and knocked at the window.

Jungkook was enjoying the music with eye's close but suddenly he hear the knock in his car window which made him jump in his sit. He gulped and slowly rolled the window glasses. What he see was not he was expecting.
       As soon as the window roll down jungkook was meet by the dark death look which is ready to kill him. Jungkook wide his eyes in double when he realised taehyung was standing in heavy drops. Jungkook blink his eyes and open the door. "what the he'll can't you see the pouring rain, get inside." He said in range. Taehyung didn't say anything he was just starting at younger. " move " jungkook frowned his eye's and titled his head looking confused. " w-what" taehyung didn't drop a word. Jungkook finally understood and soon he scrub to Passanger sit leaving  driving sit for taehyung. Taehyung popped himself in the sit. He closed the door and lean back of the sit. His mouth left signs.

Jungkook pov's

When I saw him infront of my eyes. God I just wana vanished in air. He came inside the car hair dripping the water. Shirt wet as well. Hugging ever inches of his upper body. STOP what are you thinking jeon. I look at him last time and lean to back sit to grap the towel. Well I have ways extra clothes and towels so. Yes,
       I took courage and handed him towel. He grap the towel not thinking too much. He rub his hand,neck. He turn his head toward me. And I got panicked. What should I do. I bite my lower lips. And he start to ask questions. Like a dad*

" what are you doing at this hour at uni." Taehyung ask in his deep ass  voice. " I-i was j-just helping s-seniors in arts. T-there will be a basketball tournament in U-uni so they ask me to help them in draw some arts. Jungkook said looking at his laps. Like a baby. Taehyung humm. " till night." He said raising his one eye brown. Jungkook gulped the fears and said " i-its suppose to end hour early b-but senior offer some s-snaks and d-drink. Jungkook said it. Taehyung was always like this. He always asked younger random topic about him.

But today is something different. Taehyung is ready to brast out at Jungkook. Jungkook feel scared of taehyung presences. It's not there first meet up but it was first time they are meeting eachother alone. Jungkook feel nervous and reminded himself not to embarrassed her infront of the latter. They stay for sometime. The rain looks less then before. So, they decided to move towards taehyung car which is in the outside of university. So, they have to walk through the rain. It's not a problem for taehyung cause he is already soaked in rain. Jungkook don't wanna get soaked in rain.

Jungkook don't have have other options then get soaked cause they don't have a  "fucking umbrella." Let's run toward my car, I don't think the rain will stop soon. Taehyung said while looking outside of the window. Jungkook look at the back and pick out his bag and turn towards taehyung only to see the dark eyes staring at his soul straight. 'L-let's go.' He said and turn to open the door. He grap phone and bag closed to his chest tightly and came outside.  They both come out side and start to run.

Finally, they reach to the car and they both sign. Taehyung still have the towel. He put the towel in back sit and turn toward jungkook.

Taehyung pov's

I gulped as soon as my eyes witness the sexy thing infront of it. Jungkook shirt "white" shirt is now see-through. He wasn't wearing anything. I quickly look away and start my car and drove off from there.
       After some minutes jungkook's phone start to ring. He picked it up.


'Oh, I almost forgot it,

' thanks to remind me.

'No,no I will be there in few minutes.

' yeah, sure thank you once again.

Jungkook cut the call and turn his head toward taehyung. He took deep breath before spoke with taehyung. "T-tae......hyung. jungkook was just gonna address him by tae but poor boy got scared looking at taehyung so, he just added hyung later. Taehyung humm  focused on road. " c-can w-we go to the b-brakery s-shop."
' why ' , " it's j-just I ordered c-cup cakes for m-mom and d-dad no n-not only for them, i-its for all of us. So, can we go and pick it up." " now, taehyung said turning his gaze to jungkook who is biting his lips. " umm, they just call me and said they will be closed around 9." Taehyung just nooded and ask for direction which jungkook told happily.

They reached there less then 15 minutes. They saw the shop was still opened. Jungkook sign in relief and about to go outside but stop when taehyung said. "Stop, you will go like this" taehyung says without looking at jungkook. Jungkook got confused so, he looked down only to get shocked and embarrassed. He quickly put his both hands in his chest and tummy to cover up like taehyung didn't saw it. He lean back and sit straight eye's wide open. Taehyung pull his coat from the back sit and give it to jungkook. Jungkook quickly  took it and wrapped in his body. "I-it's look like t-this from the
b-beginning." Jungkook asked not looking at taehyung pink sprained cheeks ear all red, neck red as well as. Taehyung 'humm'. Jungkook bite his tongue not to let his scream coming out from the mouth. He shut and squeeze his eyes. Deep breath " t-..thank you i-I will g-get the c-cup c-akes." 'You are not going anywhere, stay here I will get it.' Taehyung said stopping jungkook who just nooded like a obedient puppy. Taehyung grap his phone and open the door and goes toward the shop. As soon as taehyung step inside the shop. Jungkook scream till he lost his voice. " you are so fucking stupid,dumb,idiot,dumbass baka, Goss why I have to be with him in first place. YOONGI HYUNG, ashhhhhh." And goes on like life goes on.

That's all for today
* take care
* weather is getting cold day by day
* I already catch-up with cold and sore throat
* start to ware warm clothes
* eat healthy + sometimes unhealthy foods
* okey that's it
* bye

* okey bye,

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