was it a dream

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Next morning 🌄

"Tring" "tring" the sound of alarm clock ⏰. Oh, how much jungkook hate to hear that sound.

He lazily wake up  and stop the annoying sound. He again goes to sleep. But open his eyes wider.

He look to his right side. No-one is there  no-one in his right side of the bed it's empty.

He joint get up. He look toward the window there is nothing. There is no coat.

" Is that a dream." Jungkook pinched him so hard. That leave Mark. "Ouch, that's hurt."

He slowly get up from the bed.

Jungkook pov's

" Is that a really dream, no it can't be w-we we kissed yesterday night. More over we confess to each other." No no no it can't be dream." I don't wanna be part of that dream. Please be real please be real." I clearly remember that we sleep in same bed.

He look at the clock it's 8 already. ' oh shit' he screwed up. He will be late for uni and he have to go look for his new apartment.  He run toward bathroom. He did his morning routine.

After sometime he came downstairs all ready. Backpack,phone socks in hand. He run toward kitchen to have breakfast.

" Morning everyone" he said showing his bunny smile.
" morning bub, baby, bun, koo they all greet him with soft smile.
Jungkook look at the table not seeing the face he wana see. " that means it's really my dream." He said putting socks in his foot.

After having breakfast. He drove off to uni informing his parents that he will be late tonight cause he will be going to look after his apartment.

Jungkook came to university. He park his car. Lock it. He came out only to great by his lovely two friends eunwoo and mingyu. They smile and hug kookie.

( I will call them from nick name from now )

" let's go we are already late for class." Eunwoo said while walking. The other two boys also followed him from behind. They soon came to class and attend the lecture.

Taehyung pov's

" I was sleeping peacefully. When I hear the vibrates coming from my phone." It's annoying I took the phone from side table and saw who it is." It's past 3 at the morning can't he wait till the morning."
   'I look beside me before getting up from bed.' I pick it up it's my uncle. " hello " where were you, I hope you didn't forget about what happen 8 years ago."I chuckle, how can I forget it, that painful eyes."

Taehyung said while turning his head toward the sleeping boy. He hang up the call and goes toward his boyfriend or should  we call so-called-boyfriend
" you don't know how much I wait for this day to come, you will be seeing worth from now jeon. Not only you but all of your family." He said with dark and deep voice. Every words dropping venom on it.  He took his coat by near the window. He look last time at the sleeping figure and go out from there closing the door.

He came downstairs and texted yoongi. He leave Jeon's mansion. He came out and  there he saw his driver waiting for him. He called Jackson and told to pick him up. The car drove off from there. " Day one of the revenge."

On other side jungkook was still thinking about the things. He can't figure out is it all dream or it's really happening. " YAAAAA, JUNGKOOK." mingyu sout when jungkook didn't hear them calling. Jungkook flinched when he hear the loud voice. "W-what" you must be kidding us, we are trying to ask for your appliance and you are day dreaming." Mingyu said with huffing. They are right now with basketball court.

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