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Then lean on me...!

Jungkook turn his head toward taehyung in lightning speed. His big eyes open more wider. "Did I near it or am I dreaming. "  Taehyung was just sitting there one leg in other leg hands folded to his chest. Jungkook  was about to ask what did he mean.

Hye-kyo call there names.  "bun,bear wana get some ice cream."🍦 jungkook was about to stood up but again sit back when taehyung said not said more like he demand. " stay " taehyung said and turn toward hey-kyo. He smiled and replied " no, omma you guys have it we will stay here." Okey, then we will be right back." Saying that they all left for some ice cream. Taehyung sign and fully turn his body and head to look jungkook. Jungkook back off little and scoop little.

" so what do you think." Taehyung said one hand supporting to his head and other in his lap. " w-what do you." " the truth koo I am telling the truth I like u through many years, I don't tell anyone cause I thought it's not right but I can't anymore. I want you." Taehyung said and look  straight to jungkook doe eyes. Who are blinking rapidly.

Not gonna lie. Jungkook feel so shy when taehyung address him with nick name. It's first time taehyung call him with such a cute name. He look down in his lap and smile. Taehyung was not leaving his eyes from  younger. "So" taehyung says. Jungkook look at taehyung clear his throat and said
" I mean don't you  give me sometime to think." Jungkook said while showing his eyes with little lip smile.

" how long " probably  some day's." Taehyung didn't said anything he just nooded his head and sit straight. He sign and Said again he turn his head toward jungkook and said " do you know what is means to be taken by me ? "
Taehyung said full attention on jungkook. Jungkook feel like he gonna pass out when he look to his dark brown eyes and the deep voice was way too much. Jungkook feel currents passing through his body when taehyung didn't break the eye contact and came close to him. Jungkook was just starting at him shameless. Taehyung hand made his way toward jungkook thick thigh.

" It means that you're mine."

" your mouth is mine."

" your ass is mine."

" Every inch of you belongs to me."

"And if you ever let another man touch you, he'll end up in pieces and you'll end up tied to my bed and fucked in every hole until my name is  the  only one you remember. "

There  is no space in between them. Jungkook fell chilled in his  body when ever taehyung  drop words from his mouth. Jungkook bit his lips not to left moan when taehyung was squeezing his thigh. This was so such he gonna pass out any time. He can't handle this much. It's too much for him. Taehyung face was just few inches away from his face. Both are not looking away.

Until they hear laughing sound coming from the other side. Taehyung look last time to jungkook and back off sitting far enough. He signs. Jungkook just still in daze. Taehyung every words was making him loosed his mind.
He was starting at nothing blinking rapidly. " let's go" hobi said smiling to both of them. Taehyung stood up and look at jungkook who's body was left without soul some minutes ago. Taehyung grab his hands and made him stood up that's when jungkook came out of his track. He look at hobi and turn his gaze to taehyung who was smirking little. Hobi  start to walk leaving them.
" let's go " taehyung said while leaving his hand. Jungkook  nooded not liking how taehyung just leave his hand. Not gona lie he likes it when taehyung hold his hand. They start to move.

" let's go it's getting cold." Dong wook said while rubbing his hands. All nooded and start to walk. They came out from the park. " you guys can go I will call my driver, I will leave from here." Taehyung said while taking out his phone from the pocket. "You don't have to worry, suga can drove you to your house bear came with us." Mrs jeon said while looking at suga. Who nooded.
" I called you tae let me drove you too." " you don't have to I will just call Jackson." Taehyung said while opening his phone. He excuse himself.

Jungkook didn't said anything all the time. He was just starting at taehyung face. He wants to talk with taehyung. He wanna tell the latter that he... he likes him too. He wana feel the warmth of his. He so badly wants taehyung to stop at his house. He wana clear the dots and wana tell him openly that he wants him. He wana feel every words that taehyung said. He wana feel his Jealously.

Taehyung came after sometime. He shoved his phone. " okey, you guys can go too he will be hear soon." They all nooded and about to go. " come with us." Jungkook said looking at taehyung. They all look at jungkook. Taehyung raised his eye brows. "  I-I mean  it's  dark already you can stay." Jungkook said looking hear and there.

" see now bub also saying just stay too night." Yoongi said while yawning.  They all start to request him. "Fine." Taehyung said while sign. Jungkook smiled and turn to walk " let's go then I am sleepy." They all  cooed when they say how jungkook was walking. They start to move also.

After sometime they all come home. Taehyung already all Jackson and said he Don't have to come. All of them drop them self in couch like they all are worn out. Taehyung look at jungkook who's eyes are closed  and taking deep breath. " it's late let's go to bed." Suga said while cuddling to hobi who comb his hair and smile.

"okey let's go, bear just choose random bedroom you know all the rooms here." Hye-kyo said while getting up.
Jungkook open his eyes and look at taehyung who was smiling and hugging his mom.  "Bub, good night sleep tight." Hye-kyo said while giving kisses and hugges. One by one they left saying good night to eachother.

Only taehyung and jungkook left there. Jungkook look each side seeing none he stood up and stand straight infront of taehyung. Taehyung look up. "W-wana talk with you." Jungkook said and turn to leave. Taehyung stare at jungkook back.

Before jungkook climb upstairs. He turn to look taehyung who was busy looking him. Jungkook call him with his hand. Saying come with him. Taehyung stood up from couch and start to walk toward jungkook. They both left to jungkook room. As soon as they both come inside jungkook lock the door and turn toward taehyung.  He took deep sign and look at taehyung who was busy looking at his room. He turn taehyung to face him. He push taehyung to his couch. Who popped in his couch. Legs wide open hands in each side. Taehyung raised his eyes. Looking at jungkook who are looking straight to him. " did you really mean it what you said to the park." Jungkook said folding his hands taping his feet to the floor. Taehyung smirked and pull younger by his hips. Made him sit in his lap. Jungkook wide his eyes from taehyung action. He was struggling to get up. He stop when he feel the grap in his waist. Taehyung hold him tightly to make him stop moving.

Jungkook stop and look at taehyung face something is off which jungkook was not able to find out. Taehyung pull him more close leaving no space. He hug him. Nuzzling in his neck. Smelling the sweet baby sent. Oh, how much he wants to smell this sent. Jungkook closed his eyes and turn his head to other side. Giving more space to him. Jungkook moved his hand and placed them in taehyung shirt.  He slide his one hand to taehyung nape combing the hair. And other hand holding taehyung shirt tightly.

I was so busy today. I wana updated at regular time  9 to 11 but I can't cause we are celebrating festival.
Anyway "happy bijaya dashami guys." ❤🥀
Well we celebrate 🍾 this festival with our family. We put Tika's in our forehead and received blessings from oldest people.  We worship Goddess durga.We receive moneys 💰.  It's one festival where we can get rich. 🤣 cause we have to go each and every person's house to put tikas and they will give us money. They worshipped young lady's like there God for 15 days. Its our 10th days.

So I am rich right now. And I am full with too much sweets and delicious food.
Who doesn't know about this festival. They can search in Google.

Okey I will end it now. I am gona pass out soon. So, once again "happy bijaya dashami."❤ 💫

Bye bye


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