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"Stop fidgeting," Ryan says.
   "I'm not fidgeting."
Ryan loops his arm through jungkooks as he walks jungkook toward the elevator. "Yes, you are. And if you pull that shirt up over your cleavage one more time, it'll defeat the whole propose of your little crop black shirt." Ryan grabs kooks shirt and yanks it back down, and then proceeds to reach inside to adjust kooks vest.

"Ryan!" Kook slap his hand away and Ryan laughs.

"Relax, kook. I've touched way better boobs than yours and I'm still gay."

    "Yeah, but I bet those boobs were attached to people you probably hang out with more than once every six months."
      Jungkook said while rolling his eyes.

Ryan laughs. "True, but that's half your fault. You're the one who left us high and dry to play with flowers."

Ryan was one of jungkooks favourite people at the high school he worked at, but they weren't close enough to where they actively became friends outside ot study.

Jungkook was busy while practicing with his team. Hobi stop by the practice ground this afternoon and hobi took to jungkook almost immediately.  He begged jungkook to come to the party with him. And since jungkook didn't really want to show up alone, he ended up begging Ryan to come, too.

Later, hobi told jungkook that the party was in taehyung House. It's a success party held for taehyung. Taehyung archive the big deal with out country which he was looking for a year now.

Jungkook pov's

I smooth my hands over my hair and try to catch a glimpse of my reflection in the elevator walls.

"Why are you so nervous?" Ryan asks.

"I'm not nervous. I just hate showing up to places where I Don't know anyone."
      Ryan smirks knowingly and then says, "what's his name?"
I release a pent-up breath. Am I that transparent? "

Taehyung  he's a C.E.O. and he wnats to have sex with me really, really bad."

    "How do you know he wants to have sex with you?"

"Because he literally got down on his knees and said,
'Please jungkook. Please have sex with me.' "

Ryan raises an eyebrow. "He begged?"

I nod. "It wasn't as pathetic as it sounds.  He's usually more composed."

The elevator dings and the doors begin to open. I can hear music pouring from down the hallway. Ryan takes both of my hands in his and says, "So what's the plan? Do I need to make this guy jealous?"

"No," I say, shaking my head. "That wouldn't be right." But...... taehyung does make it a point every time he sees me to tell me he hopes he never sees me again. "Maybe just a little?" I say, scrunching up my nose. "A smidge?"

    Ryan pops his Jaw and says, "Consider it done." He puts his hand on my lower back as he walks me out of the elevator. There's only one visible door in the hallway, so we make our way over and ring the doorbell.

   "Why is there only one door?" He says.

"He owns the whole top floor."

He chuckles. "And he get in knees for you? Damn, your life just keeps getting more and more interesting."

The door begins to open, and I'm extremely relieved to see hobi hyung standing in front of me.  There's music and laughter pouring out of the apartment behind him.

He's holding A champagne glass in one hand and a riding crop in the other. He sees me staring at the riding crop with confused look on my face, so he tosses it over her shoulder and grabs my hand. "It's a long story," he says, laughing.
"Come in, come in!"

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