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Jungkook pov's

I've never taken more than half an hour to get ready, but it's almost an hour before I'm finished in the bathroom. I shaved more parts of me than was probably necessary, and then spent a good twenty minutes having  a freak-out, and had to talk myself out to opening the door and telling him to leave.

But now that my hair is dry and I'm cleaner than I've ever been, I think I might be able to do this. I can totally have a one-night stand. I'm twenty-one years old.

I open the door and he's still there on my bed. I'm a little disappointed to see his pants, though, so I can't tell.

I close the door behind me and wait for him to roll over and look at me, but he doesn't. I take a few steps closer, and that's when I notice he's snoring.
     Not just a light _____oh I just fell asleep_____snore. It's a middle of REM sleep kind of snore.

"Taetae?" I whisper. He doesn't even budge when I shake him.

You've got to be kidding me.

I drop down onto the bed, not even caring if I wake him. I just spent an entire hour getting ready for him after busting my ass hour ago, and this is how he treats this night?

I can't be mad at him, though, especially seeing how peaceful he looks. I can't imagine working a 8 hours shift. Plus, my bed looks really comfortable. It's so comfortable, it could make a person fall right back to sleep after a full night of rest.
I should have warned him about that.

     I check the time on my phone and it's almost 11:40 p.m. I put the phone on silent and then lie down next to him. His phone is on the pillow next to his head, so I grab it and swipe up the camera option. I hold his phone above us and make sure my cleavage looks good and pushed together. I snap a picture so he'll at least see what he missed out on.

I turn off the light and laugh to myself, because I'm falling asleep next to a half-naked man that I've feel betrayal.

          .      .     .

Jungkook can feel his taehyung fingers trailing up his arm before jungkook even open his eyes. Kook  force back a tired smile and pretend  he is still sleeping. Taehyung fingers trail over Kookies shoulder and stop at his collarbone, just before they reach jungkooks neck.

Jungkook have a small tattoo there that he got in college. It's a simple outline of a heart that's slightly open at the top. Jungkook can feel his tae fingers circle around the tattoo, and then he leans forward and presses his lips against it. Jungkook squeeze his eyes shut even tighter.

"Princess," tae whispers, wrapping an arm around jungkooks tiny waist. Jungkook moan a little, trying to wake up, and then roll onto his back so that he can look up at him. When he open his eyes, he's staring down at him.  Jungkook can tell by the way the sunlight shines through his windows and across his face that it's not even seven a.m. yet.

       "I am the most despicable man you've ever met. Am I right?"

Jungkook laugh, and nod a little. "Preety damn close."

Tae smiles and then brushes kooks hair off his eyes. He leans forward and presses his lips to jungkooks forehead, and jungkook hate that he just did that. Now he'll be the one plagued with sleepless nights, because he eant to put this memory on repeat.

"I have to go," tae says. "I'm really late. But one________I'm
Sorry. Two____ I'll never do this again. This is the last you'll hear from me, I promise. And three____ I'm really sorry. You have no idea."
   Jungkook force a smile, but he want to frown because he absolutely hated his number two. He actually don't mind if he tries this again, but then he remind himself that we went two different things from life. And it's good that he fell asleep and they didn't do it, because if jungkook would have had sex with him while he was wearing scrubs, he would have been the one showing up at his door on his knees, begging for more.

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