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"We need to talk," suga says.

He's sitting on the couch, looking direct at jungkook.

Oh, shit.

Jungkook drop his bag and rush over to suga. As soon as jungkook sit down next to suga, suga start to brust out.

"What's wrong? Hyungiee."
Suga starts shaking her head and then jungkook start to freak-out.

Jungkook came to his apartment after the basketball practice. When he opened his apartment front door. There suga sitting on couch with hands fold looking hell confused.


"Bub, you and taehyung______ were you guys are together like_______ suga says, looking at his brother.

Jungkook get up and goes to the kitchen to grab some water. He was not thinking of this. He littely forget that at the party his hyung was also there.

He grab cold water bottle and drink it. After sometime he came and sit next to his hyung. Who was looking impatient.

Jungkook nods. "I'm sorry hyung. I know I have to tell you guys but I swear hyung we just started like days before that's it.."

Suga stare at jungkook for a minute. Should I give promission_______ no no no... suga was in deep thought. Suga lean back and take deep breathes throwing his head back.

Jungkook was feeling nervous. He thought taehyung was with him.

After whole good time of minutes. Suga look at jungkook. Who was not catching his eyes looking at lap playing with his fingers.

"Bub, are you sure you want taehyung to be your half partner," suga asked looking concoction.

What the....

"Hyungiee? Umm..... I'll be fine. I promise."

Jungkook said while holding his hyung hands in his hands.

Suga look at there hands and looks up at jungkook with unreadable expression. "Idk what to say Bub, he was really busy person and_____ and more over you don't know him exactly Bub! I am afraid you will get hurt." Suga said while hugging his baby brother.

Jungkook can understand his hyung. He smile and squeeze in his hyung chest. "He is perfect for me hyung, you don't have to worry about anything he gonna take good care of me, and I promise u will be happy___."

Suga kissed top of jungkooks hair. Saying nothing but means a lot.

"Are you mad at me.."

"No. I'm not mad, I'm happy for you."

"Thank you, hyung!" Jungkook said while showing his bunny smile.

"Ummmm_____ Hyungiee, one request?" Jungkook said braking the hug.

Suga nooded. "Don't tell Eomma and appa yet.."


"I will tell them by myself but not now, I wana know him more," jungkook says

Suga smile and ruffle jungkook hair,"okey no worries."

After having some good time suga says he have to go now.

"Bub, it's really late I will be get going bye, take care."

Suga saying getting up from couch and heading towards the door.

Jungkook goes with suga to say bye. Jungkook open the door but as soon as they open the door. There stand yugyeom. He was about to knock.

Jungkook look at yugyeom. Who was showing nervous smile. "Oh, hey yugyeom"

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