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After claiming jungkook start to walk toward her hyungs. He reach and stopped infront of them. They look at him. Jungkook all of a sudden feel nervous. Getting all attention towards him.

He clear his throat. " d-dinner is ready. That's it he run from there. Not looking anywhere. Eyes straight to kitchen. " okey let's eat first then we will talk." They nooded and start to leave for dinner table.

Taehyung pov's

As soon as I came out from the bathroom. I change into night dress. And about to go down to have some foods. My phone start to ringing. " fuck, not at this hours." I pick up the phone it's hobi hyung. I sign and click to answer. I was about to say hello but its not came out from my mouth cause hobi hyung is way to fast. " At yoongis, be ready I will pick you up in 10 minutes on my way bye." Before I can say anything he cut the call. I groaned while looking for some casual clothes. Fuck how much I hate it to go anywhere after works.

I found random clothes. I wear it picked my phone and came downstairs waiting for hobi hyung to show up.

No-one's pov's

"Master, the dinner is ready." One of the maid said it while bowing. " you guys have it I will eat out." "Beep, Beep " taehyung close his eyes leaning back taking deep breathes. He open his eyes when the horns were being too much louder. He get up and goes outside of the mansion.

" Hurry up...! Don't wana be late." Hobi said as soon as he saw taehyungs face expression. Taehyung rolled his eyes and get inside the car. Hobi drove off from there.
After 30 minutes they reached to there destination. They saw there Mrs jeon and Mr jeon. Hobi Park the car. And both of them get off from the car.
" mom, dad " hobi smile while hugging them. " hey sunshine, how was your work going." Mr jeon asked while breaking the hug. " it's great, did you guys just came back." Yes hobi. " oh, hey taehyung " Mrs jeon said while hugging the latter. Who smile and returned the hug. " you loose weight gentlemen." Mrs jeon said In worried voice looking taehyung top to bottom. " not much omma it's from the work." " aaish, this boy how many time I told you not to pressure yourself in work dear." Mr jeon said while holding taehyung hand in his hand.

Taehyung shake his head while smiling. " we should go inside." Hobi said while picking his jacket from the car. He give the car keys to the workers. They all went inside and there they saw yoongi working in his laptop 💻 with some papers 📃 placed in table.
" hiieee,sugar." Hobi said giving side hug to Yoongi. Who smile and pick his head. "Hey baby." Taehyung didn't said anything he casually sit infront of lovely couples.
"Now, we are invisible to you dear brast." Mr jeon said with folding his hands in his chest.

Hobi giggle seeing his love getting scolded by his dad.
" it's not like that dad." Yoongi said while getting up to hug his mom and dad. Who shake his head while giving lovely smile to his son. " where is bun." Mrs jeon said while looking around. Cause he didn't notice his baby.
" oh, I think he was in his room."

Taehyung look upstair right side there is a door which is locked. He is very familiar to this mansion after all it's been 11 years. He know every way of the mansion.

" okey, you guys talk I will meet bub." They nooded and start to talk. Mr jeon sit in other side. Giving space to youngsters. He pick random magazines and start to look.
" you guys talk I will came after putting my laptop in room." Yoongi said getting up from the couch. He left.

Taehyung pov's

I was talking with hobi when we hear the foot steps. I turn my gaze to look and there a bunny smiling and running. As soon as he saw his dad he jump in his lap and start to thank him and give him kisses. will not gonna lie. I have liked him from throughout many years. I didn't told anyone cause I feel bad for liking my friend brother. I wana tell him but I guess he doesn't have feelings for me. He only see me like a brother so I didn't tell him.
Hobi and me didn't understand why he is thanking his dad. After sometime yoongi also come back. He smile and give his baby brother kiss. Well not gonna lie I don't like it when someone kiss him. But I can't do anything cause they are his family. They have full rights in him.

"Hii bub." Hobi hyung call him getting his attention towards us. As soon as he notice my present he wide his eyes and turn his back."Does he hate me or what" I thought and shake my head.

We start to talk again. We stop our talk when he came and stood in middle of us. We look at him. He was looking at yoongi. " d-dinner is ready. " He said a run away. I smiled at his silly behaviour. "Cutesy".

They settled them in dining table. And at the same time Hye-kyo and dong wook both came. They smile at there children. And settled themselves. Dong wook at head chair and beside him yoongi and hobi. In his other side. Beside him Hye-kyo his wife beside jungkook and next to jungkook taehyung. Jungkook feel nervous sitting next to taehyung.

The maid start to serve them. Soon they start to dig in. Jungkook was getting nervous. He took smol smol bite of his food. Taehyung notice the younger Behaviour. He smirked. He slide his hand in younger thigh.

Jungkook stopped his moments. He wide his eyes. Looking at his hyungs dad and mom. They are busy chatting with eachother. He gulped the food. And turn to look taehyung who is eating his food Calmly. Taehyung feel presence he turn his head. When his eyes meet with jungkook. Jungkook quickly look away and grap the water glass to drink some cold water. He choke in his water when taehyung squeeze his thick thigh.
" oh my god, you okey baby." His mom asked rubbing his hand in his back to clam him down. Jungkook was coughing non stop. Taehyung slide his hand back and start to rub younger back while blowing air in his head. After sometime jungkook stop coughing. He took some water offered by his mom.
" eat slowly" taehyung said while looking around to pick some kimchi.

After sometime they finish and decided to go for a little walk. They all agree and came outside and start to walk. It's little chilled cause it's rain before. They were walking in street hands in hands. Yoongi and hobi, Hye-kyo and dong wook mean while jungkook and taehyung they are just walking. They came at nearby the park. Jungkook walk past them and goes to sit up near bench. He sign while thinking what just happened with him. He was so into his thoughts he didn't notice taehyung presence.

" won't you play around" taehyung said gaining attention from the younger.
Jungkook just shake his head.
He rub his hands in his thigh.
" I wana ask something." Taehyung said while looking at the latter's who are playing laughing and smiling. " spill the beans " jungkook said looking at taehyung.

Taehyung sign and turn his attention to jungkook.
" what kind a man do you like." Jungkook blink to understood the question.
" did I hear wrong" he said to himself. "W-wdym." You know what I mean." Taehyung said while looking straight.

Jungkook turn his head and clear his throat. " i-i don't know maybe he should be tall more then me, have time for us, p-play with me, c-can understood me and treat me well." Taehyung drive his gaze toward Jungkook.
" that's it." Taehyung said raising his eyes browns. Jungkook simply smile and nooded.

" Then lean on me."...........

Bye bye


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