Back again.

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Miss me guys.....!

Finally after long long long time I am back again.

So let's get started..!

It's been past 8 in the morning but unaware of those two boys who was sleeping and cuddling lost in eachothers embrace.

But well, we have to wake them up so,__________!

Jungkook phone start to ring. First they both ignored it.
After sometime the phone ring again this time taehyung slowly open his eyes groaning. He looked at jungkook who was sleeping like a baby. He turn and see it's jungkooks phone which was ringing. He Don't wana wake his princess up so, he pick it up for him.


Next side.....

Eunwoo and all the team were present in the practice ground. But the team leader or we can say captain was not there.

They decided to meet at 7:45 at the ground it's already past it. So, they decided to give it a call to there captain. First of all the phone was not pick it up. But in there continues try finally the phone got pick it up.

But not my there captain it's my there captains captain.

Eunwoo call jungkook he was loosing his passant while calling jungkook. After many tries the phone got picked up but not my jungkook.

"Hello "

Eunwoo wide his eyes when he heard the deep ocean voice come from jungkooks phone they are sure it's not jungkooks voice.

Eunwoo look at him team mates while wide open his eyes.

He clear his throat before he speak.

"H-hello, who is this,"

He wait for a reply and again he hear the deep same voice.

"Just point it out what's the work."

Eunwoo sure hear the annoying groans.

He gulped the fears  and says with a courage.

"C-captain, was supposed to be here at practice b-but he is late.... w-we were at ground c-can you tell the captain that w-we are waiting for him.."

All they can hear before the phone got cut was "hummmm."

Taehyung look at jungkook after he put the phone in side table.

He again slide on soft,warm devout hugging jungkooks waist tightly giving small kisses to his shoulder.

Jungkook start to move in sleep. Taehyung back off a little to see him. He smile and start to ruffled jungkooks hair.

"Princess, wake up" taehyung says while hugging him. Jungkook slowly start to open his eyes blinking two three times. "What's the time Hyungiee" jungkook asked in his morning voice it's deep. "It's already 8 O'clock Princess, you have a practice to do don't you."

Jungkook wide open his eyes and stood up only to feel pain in his ass. "Ahhh, shit Hyungiee." Jungkook was in tears ready  to cry. Oh, poor baby. Taehyung wake up and hold jungkook by his shoulder. "Don't stood up already  Princess" taehyung said in claiming voice.

Jungkook bite his lower lips Tightly. "It's hurt like hell."
Jungkook said clinging in taehyung bare chest. Taehyung smirked feeling proud on himself.

"Sit here Princess" taehyung made jungkook to sit on bed. Jungkook sit slowly while whining. "I-i have practice" jungkook said in tiny angry poute. Taehyung chuckled cuping jungkook face in his big hand.

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