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Jungkook think he might be lost.

Everything is so white and so clean, it's blinding. Jungkook shuffle through one of the living rooms and try to find his  way to the kitchen. He have no idea where his dress ended up last night, so he pulled on one of taehyung's shirts. It falls past his knees, and he qonder if he has to buy shirts that are too big for him just so they'll fit his arms.

   There are too many windows and way too much sun, so he's forced to shield his eyes as he go in search of water and tea.

    He push through the kitchen doors and find a coffeemaker.

Thank you, Jesus

Not a tea but atlist coffee.
He set it to brew and then go in search for a mug when the kitchen door opens behind me. Jungkook spin around and he relieved to see that hobi is always a perfect concoction of makeup and jewelry. Hobi's hair is in a messy stage. Hobi points at the coffeemaker. "I'm gonna need me some of that," he says. He pulls herself up on the island and then slouched forward.

"Can I ask you a question?" Jungkook say.

Hobi barely has the energy to nod.

Jungkook wave is hand around the kitchen. "How did this happen? How in the hell did his entire house become spotless between the party last night and me waking up just now? Did you stay up  and clean?"

Hobi laughs. "Bub, he have people for that, you have the same spot kook did you forget you are one of the billionaire son bub the way taehyung House was clean after party same goes to your also kook."


Hobi nods. "Yep. There are people for everything," bun you don't saw this type of mess up and clean up cause in your family they didn't do party things in house they booked a club or rather then some resort."


"People," hobi says.

"The clean up?"

Hobi nods. "People for that, too."

"What about some events held and gifts? Like a family member?"

Hobi grins. "Yep. People.  Everyone in his family receives a gist and a card for every occasion and he never have to lift a finger."

Jungkook shake his head. "Wow. How long have you been with him you know every single details of him and his family's?"
     "Eleven years," hobi says.
I meet suga throughout taehyung. When I am new in high school taehyung was the first friend that i make and he introduce me with his other friends so that's how we end up, baby."

The coffee transition into a slow drip, so jungkook grab a mug and fill it up. "You want anything in yours?" Jungkook asks. "Or do you also have People for that?"

Hobi laughs. "Yes. I have you. And I'd like sugar, please."

Jungkook stir some sugar into her cup and walk it over to her. Then pour himself a cup. It grows quite for a while as he mix in creamer, waiting for her to say something about him and taehyung. The conversation is inevitable.

"Can we just get the awkwardness out of this way?" Hobi says.

Jungkook sigh. Relieved. "Please. I hate this." He face hobi and take a sip of his coffee. Hobi sets hers down beside her and then grips the countertop.

"How did that even happen?"

Jungkook shake his head. Trying his best not to smile like he's love-struck. He Don't want her to think he's weak, or a fool for giving in to him. "We were together before this."

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