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" why are you looking like Impurity."

Hearing that taehyung can't hide his smirk. Jungkook was looking all red. Hey-kyo was doing his job blowing and rubbing his back. Meanwhile taehyung was just enjoying it.

Hobi look at taehyung who was clearly showing his smirk. He was about to say something but he put his hand in his mouth eyes wide open. He gasped.

" don't tell me  they both are a thing." He said to himself. Eyes looking at the youngers.  One who is blushing and one who was eating while smirking playfully.

He clear his throat ganing attention. " so, tae are you leaving or staying tonight." Hobi asked while looking at jungkook. Taehyung raised his eyes when he saw he was looking at jungkook but asking him.

" I will be leave......." his words cut off when he feel hand in his thigh. He don't have to look whose hand is it. " I mean I will be leaving." Taehyung said while leaning back of the chair. Hobi nooded his head.

After sometime there are in living room with some chocolates. Enjoying it after dinner.

Jungkook was stealing gaze of taehyung. Who was busy talking with his dad in other side. Jungkook sign he wana meet taehyung alone but he can't. He was thinking about something but come out of his images when his phone start to ring in dinner table stealing everyone's attention.

He frowned and look at the clock it's almost 9 o'clock.  "who is calling me this late."
He said to hobi and goes toward the table. He pick it up it's unknown number.

"Hello, who is this." Everyone was now looking at jungkook who was talking with god know who.

"Yes,  how can I help you."

" WHAT "

junkook littely shout making everyone stood up from there places. Jungkook was looking like a kicked puppy. He was looking so much angry but at the same time he was looking tensed.

" I-i will be there." He said and cut the call. " what's wrong kook." Suga said walking toward jungkook.
" eunwoo was in hospital." He said while looking down.

They know why jungkook was sad eunwoo was one of this best friend who was always with him in his hard time. They littely grow up with eachother.

" I need to go hyung, can I please." Yoongi Don't want to let go him this late at night. But he can't even stop him knowing his friend was in hospital. He sign he was about to said something but hobi spoke before him.

" tae can take you kookie, he will drove you off and you can stay at his place tonight." Hobi said while looking at everyone. "I will be going then." Jungkook said looking at his hyung and mom dad.

They nooded jungkook run toward his room. " take care of him, and don't let him go anywhere alone." Dong wook said hugging taehyung. Who just nooed his head returned hug. Jungkook come running.
" let's go." He said while giving everyone hug. Taehyung nooded and they both left towards hospital.

The car ride was deadly silence. Jungkook was busy in typing and taehyung was busy driving. They soon reached to hospital. They park the car and goes inside.

" hey did you know any patient name cha Eunwoo."
He ask the recipient lady.
" let me check that sir." Jungkook nooded while looking hear and there.
" there is one sir in room no 9." Jungkook thank him and they both start to walk off.

They were waiting for lift. Soon the lift came and they both entered it. Taehyung ruffle jungkook hair while jungkook lean in his touch. Soon the lift reach and stop. Opening it. They step out.

They reached to the room 9. Jungkook push the door only to see his  whole team mates there. They turn there head when they hear the door being opened.

"CAPTAIN"  They all said together with smiling. Jungkook sign and goes toward the bed where eunwoo was sitting. Jungkook grab taehyung hand and walk toward the bed.

When he reach. He stood up there for a second. Eunwoo smile at him and about to say something but cut of by smack.

All the boys stood up in there feet looking down. eunwoo rub his head with pout.
" who told you guys to go there." Jungkook asked folding his hand in his chest.
" I littely said before I left uni that we will be starting from Tomorrow, then why you all act like a hero and goes to provoke them haaa."

Jungkook asked them in range. Noone raised there head cause they know they All are in fault.

Taehyung hold jungkook by his waist. Slightly trying to clam him down. Jungkook close his eyes and open again looking at his boys.

"You all will be reporting to me at basketball court early morning at 8 in the uni." If...... IF any of you came late or give me any kind of excuses  OUT OF MY TEAM."  Jungkook said with deep voice. They all nooded there head better not want to make his captain angry more.

" rest assumed, I will be leaving and you all can leave too, Eunwoo mom and dad will be here soon." He said and leave them behind.

What happen with eunwoo all the shit will be expected it don't worry.
Proper update will be in the evening or at the night. I really can't write the whole thing in it cause I am rushing to go somewhere.

So don't mind this chapter. I will be update soon. Stay tune.

For now bye

Bye bye

I have to go now bye bye bye bye. If I came home soon I will be update right away but if now then I will update at to night.

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