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"Jungkook, wait!"

Taehyung yells, still trying to make his way over to jungkook. Jungkooks heart is erratic. Taehyung was walking quickly, stepping around people, growing more frustrated with every person in his way. Taehyung finally reaches a break in the crowd and makes eye contact with jungkook again. Tae holds jungkook gaze as he marches toward jungkook. Taehyung doesn't slow down. Hobi has to step out of his way as taehyung walks straight up to jungkook. At first, jungkook think he might kiss him, or at least give a rebuttal to everything tae said to him upstairs. But instead, taehyung does something jungkook wasn't at all prepared for. Taehyung scoops jungkook up into his arms.

"Taehyung hyung!" Jungkook yell, gripping him around the neck, afraid Taehyung might drop him. "Put me down!" Taehyung has an arm wrapped under my legs and one under my back.

      "I need to borrow jungkook for the night," taehyung says to Ryan.

"That okay?"

Jungkook look at Ryan and shake his head, wide-eyed. Ryan just smirks and says, "Be my guest."


Taehyung starts to turn and walk back toward the living room. Jungkook look at hobi and suga as he pass her. Jungkook's eyes are wide with confusion. "I'm going to kill your friend!" Jungkook yell at them.

Yoongi was about to stop Taehyung but hobi stop him.
"Let him borrow kook."

Everyone in the entire room is staring now. Jungkook feel so embarrassed, he just press his face against Taehyung's chest as taehyung walks jungkook down the hallway and into his bedroom. Once the door is shut behind them, taehyung slowly lowers jungkook feet back to the floor. Jungkook immediately start to yell at him and try to push him out of the way of the bedroom door, but taehyung spins him and shoves Jungkook against the door, grabbing both of his wrists. Taehyung presses them against the wall above jungkook head and says,


Taehyung looking at jungkook so intently, jungkook stop trying to fight taehyung off of him and jungkook hold his breath. Taehyung chest is pressing against jungkooks, his back is pressed to the door. And then taehyung mouth is on jungkook's. Warm pressure against jungkooks lips.

    Despite the strength behind them, taehyung lips are like silk. Jungkook was shocked at the moan that rushes through him, and evermore shocked when jungkook part his lips and want more. Taehyung tongue slides against jungkook and tae releases jungkook wrists to grab his face. Taehyung kiss grows deeper and jungkook grasp at his hair. Pulling him closer, feeling the kiss in his entire body. Not gonna lie jungkook feel like that are kissing for the first time. He was testing them for first time.

Both of them become a medley of moans and gasps as the kiss brings them over the edge, there bodies wanting more than there mouths can deliver. Jungkook feel taehyung hands as he reaches down and grabs jungkook legs, lifting jungkook up and hooking them around his waist.

     Oh god, this man can kiss. It's as if taehyung takes kissing as seriously as he takes his profession. Taehyung begins to pull jungkook away from the door when jungkookhit with the realization that yes, his mouth is capable of a lot. But what his mouth has failed to do is respond to everything jungkook told him upstairs.

     For all jungkook know, he've just given in. Jungkook was giving him what tae wants: a one-night stand. And that's the last thing taehyung deserves right now.

     Jungkook pull his mouth from taehyung and push on his shoulders.

"Put me down."

Taehyung keeps walking toward his bed, so Jungkook say it again. "Hyungiee, put me down right now."

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