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"What do you think?"

His voice is low, deep, and right behind jungkook. Jungkook close his eyes briefly and inhale a steadying breath before quietly exhaling, hoping tae doesn't notice his voice has any effect on him whatsoever. "I like it. I'm not quite sure what it is, but it's interesting. You have good taste."
       Tae steps around kook so that he's at his side, facing jungkook.

Taehyung takes a step closer until he's so close, he brushes jungkooks arm.

"You brought a date?"

  Taehyung asking it like it's a casual question, but jungkook knows it isn't.
When Jungkook fail to respond, taehyung leans in until he's whispering in jungkooks ear. He repeats himself, but this time it isn't a question.

"You brought a date."

Jungkook find the courage to look over at taehyung and instantly wish he didn't. He's in a black suit that makes the scrubs look like a child's play. First jungkook swallow the unexpected lump in his throat and then he say, "Is it a problem that I brought a date?" He jungkook look away from taehyung and back at the photography hanging on the wall. "I was trying to make things easier on you. You know. Just trying to make it stop."

      Taehyung smirks and then downs the rest of his wine. "How thoughtful of you, princess." He hate it jungkook hate it the way taehyung was calling him by nick names. Taehyung tosses his empty wineglass toward a trash can in the corner of the room. He makes the shot, but the glass shatters when it hits the bottom of the empty container. Jungkook glance around himself, but no one saw what just happened. When jungkook look back at taehyung, he's halfway down a hallway. He disappears into a room and jungkook stand there, looking at the picture again.

That's when jungkook see it.

The picture is blurred, so it was hard to make out at first. But he can recognize that hair from anywhere. That's his hair. It's hard to miss, along with that marine-grade polymer lounge chair he's lying on. This is the picture he took on the rooftop the first night when jungkook left to  university. He must have had it blown up and distorted so no one would notice what it was. Jungkook bring his hand to his neck, because his blood feels like it's bubbling.
It's really warm in here.

Hobi appears at his side. "It's weird, huh?" He says, looking at the picture.

Jungkook scratch at his chest. "It's really hot in here," he says. "Don't you think?"

Hobi glances around the room. "Is it? I hadn't noticed, but I'm a little drunk. I'll tell yoongi to turn on the air."

Hobi disappears again, and the more jungkook stare at the picture, the angrier he get. "The man has a picture of his hanging in the apartment. And he says he doesn't like me. He's giving me attitude because I brought a date to his success party. He's acting like there's actually something between us."

Jungkook pov's

It all hits me at once. The anger..... the irritation.  .  . the half glass of champagne I had in the kitchen. I'm so mad, I can't even think straight. If the guy wnats to have sex with me so bad .  .  .  he shouldn't have fallen asleep! If he doesn't want me to swoon, he shouldn't If he doesn't like me, doesn't have feelings for me! He shouldn't hang cryptic pictures of me where he lives!
          All I want is fresh air. I need fresh air. Luckily, I know just where to find it.

Moments later, jungkook burst through the door to the rooftop. There are stragglers from the party up here. Three of them, seated on the patio furniture. Jungkook ignore them and walk ro the ledge with the good view and lean over it. He suck in several deep breaths and try to clam himself down. He want to go downstairs and tell him tell taehyung to make up his damn mind, but he know he need to have a clear head before he do that.

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