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I am writing this chapter while I am travelling. I may not be able to re checked so please if there is some mistakes please gladly excuse it and move on.
So, here we go...!

Give it a try first few lines will may be disappointing but in going down I promise it will get interesting.

After jungkook get out from there he was so angry at his team mates.

He straight came to the parking lot. He saw come can's in the ground.  He goes toward the can's and he start to step on them not stepping he was littely jumping on them.

Everyone can clearly  say that that was angry. The way he was jumping on it.

Taehyung cane after that he saw what jungkook was doing. He sign and hold jungkook in mid air by holding his waist.

Jungkook struggled in his hold. He was thrashing his body. " Stop " it took one sentence to stop him.

Taehyung can clearly feel the younger was trembling in his hold. He pull him close to him. " shuu, take deep breath bub." Taehyung said in his ear. Jungkook feel passing Currents. He turn back and hug him.

When he was hugging taehyung. He notice something is poking him down. He gulped he don't have to look down what is it.

I pull his head and look at taehyung. Who was looking at him. " kiss me." Jungkook said while showing his doe eyes.

Jumgkook won't lie if he said he Don't wanna test those lips again. He was missing them in his. When he first kissed him. He don't capture them. But from now he don't wana miss anything.

Taehyung look at jungkook for  few seconds before smash his lips in the soft one. Taehyung start to push younger making him hit his car. "Humm" jungkook was in cloud nine.

Taehyung start to suck the lower lips. Asking for permission. Jungkook got ir right away opening his mouth. Taehyung press his body with jungkooks body. When he entered his tongue he can test the sweet saliva. He start to rum his tongue in every corner testing the sweet mouth of younger.

It's getting hard for them to breath. Taehyung leave with last suck in the lips when he feel younger was having hard time on breath.

Jungkook body was pressed in car. He was breathing heavily. Eyes closed chest popping up and down.

After sometime he clam down. They both left to go home.

Jungkook was aware of taehyung problem. But taehyung was not saying anything. He was just siting casually like nothing is happening to him.

They but are not saying anything. After sometime jungkook decide to broke the silence.

" can you drop me to my apartment." He said looking at his phone. Taehyung frowned his eye's. " you have your own apartment." Jungkook just noodod looking toward taehyung who's full focus was on road.

" well I am not aware of that, is your family knows it." Jungkook giggle seeing taehyung face expression.
" appa and omma they both come to look at the apartment and both of them selected for me tae, they all knows it and more over its only been 3 days I took it." He said while closing his eyes.

" that's why he was thanking his dad that day." He said while asking the address who's jungkook give it gladly.

It doesn't took time for them to reach there. Taehyung stop the car. Jungkook open his eyes. " are you staying tonight." Jungkook asked he really what taehyung to stay there. It's dark already.

" if you not feel uncomfortable then I will." He said while unblocking his sit belt. Jungkook frowned and replied " why I feel uncomfortable with you." He said coming out of the car.

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