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Jungkook let taehyung do what ever he wants. Taehyung was not having enough so he slowly slide his hands under jungkooks t-shirt. Touching tiny waist openly. He start to move his hands. " I mean it, I mean it every single fucking words that came from my mouth."
Taehyung said in deep voice sending chill in his body.

After sometime taehyung pull out and look at jungkook who is blushing mess. Taehyung like the way younger showing the affect of his presence.
" what if I tell you I Don't like you, you will force me." Jungkook said playing with taehyung shirt button's.
" no, I will leave it on you, you have your ful rights to choose." Jungkook stop his motives and look at taehyung eyes. " and what if I tell you I have feelings for you." Jungkook said cuping taehyung face in his hands. Caressing his cheeks slowly.
Taehyung lean in his touch.
He close his eyes and take time to speak. He open his eyes looking dead. Taehyung jerk jungkook close to him face an inch away breath eachother airs.

" If you tell me you like me"

" I will worship you like a queen,Every fucking day."

" used you like my little slut, every fucking night."

" Together, we can set the world on fire. Just to watch our enemies burn."

Jungkook feel thousands of butterflies 🦋 in his tummy. He was feeling greedy to have this man. He is yearning to have this man to call his only his. He close his eyes attached there forehead rubbing there nose. Taehyung was looking ever move of the younger.
"MINE" jungkook said it. He open his eyes only to see taehyung smirked. "YOURS."
taehyung didn't Weaste any second to attached his lips. He was controlling himself from devout the younger but finally, finally the younger is his. He Don't have to control from now onwards. Taehyung was kissing him hungrily. Jungkook was following the path. He may be not good enough but he atlist know how to kiss. Taehyung was biting,sucking his lips. His hands were working in his waist. Jungkook till his head to deeper the kiss. Taehyung wants move. He bite is lip last time and back off.

He take a quick look of younger who was looking sinfully death. Heavy breathes. Chest moving up and down panting for breath. He slide his one hand from his waist to his neck. He grab jungkooks neck little tightly. Jungkook look at taehyung who was giving death eyes full of lust and love. " open your pretty mouth darling."
Taehyung said while tightening the grap. Jungkook close his eyes and open his mouth to gasped for some air but as soon as he open his mouth. He feel hot breath and the tongue dancing inside of his mouth. Sucking his tongue testing every corner of his mouth. Taehyung groaned when he feel the sweet and hot saliva feeling his mouth. Taehyung losses the grab and hold his thigh. He was sucking his tongue.

Jungkook was feeling dazed. He tap taehyung shoulder to let him breathe. Taehyung understood and leave his mouth after last suck in his tongue. The saliva was still in his mouth connection with younger mouth. As soon as taehyung leave his mouth. He start to breathe fast. He rest his head in latter's shoulder breathing heavily. Taehyung rub his back to calm him down. After sometime jungkook start to breath normally. Taehyung pull him and look at his face. When there eyes meet jungkook blush hard. His face and ears turn red. Taehyung smile and kiss his forehead.

" won't you have uni tomorrow sleep it's pretty late. " Taehyung said while taking him to bed. " sleep with me." Jungkook said looking at taehyung.  Taehyung humm and raised his eye brows. " yaaa, you.....
I-I was talking about shearing the bed." Taehyung laughed a little looking jungkooks face.
Jungkook fist his hand and hit him in his chest.

" I will fresh up, choose anything to wear I know it will be smol in you but try some clothes It may fit you." Jungkook said while walking to Bathroom taking his towels and clothes. Taehyung nooded his head and walk toward the closet to choose some clothes that will fit him. Taehyung body was bigger then jungkooks.

After sometime jungkook came outside were nightie. Hair wet dropping water. Taehyung was in his phone. Taking  with someone. Taehyung hear the door opening sound he turn and look at the younger who was standing and drying his hair.
" I will take a shower, you can go first to bed." Taehyung said while taking clothes and towel with him. " Mr who said I will wait for you, my bed, my room." Jungkook said raising his eyes. Taehyung smile "such a brast" he said smacking his ass. Jungkook rub his ass while pouting. Taehyung goes to have a shower.  Jungkook murmured some things and goes toward the mirror table. Applying some creams. He doesn't used and produces cause his skin is too much sensitive. So he used only baby products. He finished applying. He hang the towel and about to go to bed when he notice taehyung coat hanging in near window. Swings alittle when ever the air blows.

Taehyung came out upper body naked. Towel in his head. Water dancing in his body. Jungkook turn only to gulped and blush hard. He quickly turn around looking hear and there. Taehyung smirked and strat to dry his hair. Jungkook slowly appears in bed  clear his throat. " w-when side of bed will you sleep." He said not looking at taehyung. Taehyung goes and sit infront of jungkook. " this side." He said pulling him close. Jungkook feel nervous. He was not looking at taehyung looking hear and there. " dry my hair." Taehyung said snuggle to jungkook stomach. Jungkook feel butterflies 🦋  doing flipping. He tried to pull for drier but pull back again. "Where" taehyung said looking up at jungkook.  "d-drier" do with towel no need for drier." Taehyung said more like murmuring he was nesting to jungkooks stomach. Holding him by his thighs with each side. He will not lie he was obsessed with younger thighs. It's thick with milky skin. Jungkook was having hard time. He was sure soon his legs will betrayed him. He start to dry taehyung hairs.

Soon they finished and goes to each side of the bed to sleep. Taehyung was in right side of the bed. He turn of the light and on the dim one. He sign when soft mattress came to meet his body. He turn to jungkook side. Jungkook was facing other side. Taehyung didn't like it he wana see the younger face and the distant was not helping him. He pull jungkook with full force. Jungkook back bumb in his body. Jungkook wide open his eyes when he feel sudden jerk. His back hit with a stone hard chest. Taehyung hugged him close. He sneak his hand under jungkooks pajama. Jungkook turn to face taehyung who was looking at him lovely.

Taehyung smile and pick his lips. Pulling him more close. Jungkook nuzzle his face in naked chest of taehyung smelling the manly sent. He left some small moans. " good night." Jungkook murmured and went to Dreamland snuggle close to taehyung. Taehyung smile and pick top of his head " good night darling, sleep tight." And like that they sleep in eachothers embrace feeling the warmth.

That's all for now.

Bye bye

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