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" omma", jungkook hug Mrs jeon. " aigoo my baby, when did you come, I didn't notice your car at the garage sweetie." I runout from the fuel so, I ca... '. Jungkook cut of by his worried mom voice." what, Mrs jeon pull out from the hug. And start to shoot him with questions.

" I told you so many times."

" make your tank full "

" see, now what happens "

" how did you come "

" did you came all the way in rain"

" did you catch up by co..."

" omma,omma, breath take a deep breath, I called yoongi hyung but he is with hobi hyung so Hyungiee, call Taetae and he pick me up, so take a chill pill." He said pulling his mom inside and they both went towards the bed. as aoon as they sit. Jungkook spooned himself in his mom's lap. Mrs jeon smile looking at his baby. They stay like that. The room was filled with silence.

After sometime Mrs jeon broke the silence. " baby" she said combing his baby's silky-smooth hair. Which jungkook replied with "humm" still closed eyes. "Today your aapa and me goes to look for an apartment which is near to your university." Jungkook joint get up eyes widen cute bunny smile. " really " he asked still in shock cause he once said it to his parents that he wana get his own apartment near the university cause its pretty hard for him to go from his home to uni so he wished for it and look what he want it he got it after all he is the son of the top business companies C.E.O's youngest son and the top C.F.O's youngest and dearest brother. Isn't he. There company worth millions dollars 💸 per a month's it's just a pity thing for them to get the younger his own apartment.

Jungkook jump off from the bed and start to do tiny dance moves. Why not he is in cloud nine after all. His mom smile looking at the younger who was smiling and dancing.
" thank you thank you thank you so much mom I love you so much, oh my god what am I gona do I am finally moving to my own apartment I am so excited. Oh, my god I should start to pack my things." Jungkook was about to walk toward the closets. But before that he stop by his mom.
" bun, you don't have to pack your things everything is already there it will be wrapped it up till tomorrow evening. You just have to take some clothes and your necessary items like books 📚. That's it." His momy said with big smile. Jungkook hug him once again thanking him.
" thank you mum, I am in cloud nine." " your most welcome, won't you thank your appa he is in living room with your hyungs." " naa, right in my foot I will go now. As soon as he said it he disappeared to thank his appa.

He run all the way to downstairs. What he didn't notice is someone's eyes. Jungkook didn't Weaste a sec before jumping in his dad's lap and hugging him tightly thanking him.

" appa, thank you so much, I love you I love you I love you. He said with giving little kisses here and there. Mr jeon just smile looking at his son. Who was pamper him with so many kisses.

Jungkook was nuzzling to his dad's chest smelling the manly sent,Swinging his legs.
" hey bun " he open his eyes when he hear the familiar very familiar voice. He look toward the voice. Only to see hobi who was smiling looking at him but his eyes soon got widen when he saw who was standing next to him.
Kim Tae-hyung

Yoongi came and refuses his hair kissing his top of the head. Jungkook look away from the latter and smile to his Hyungiee. Jungkook again fixed his gaze to taehyung who was busy with his hyung and his brother-in-law.

" dinner is ready" one of the maid said it and goes to set up the dinner table. He stood up from his dad's lap looking at taehyung.
"Got catch red handed".
He wide his eyes and turn his back. He was about to run toward the kitchen but his appa stop him. " baby, tell your hyungs dinner is ready and settled themselves in table, i will came after taking a quick shower okey." Mr jeon said and kiss his forehead.
Mr jeon smile at him and climb upstairs.

Jungkook pov's

"Come on kookie you can do it, you just have to remember not to embarrassed yourself infront of him, don't look at him that's it. You gona walk toward them told them the dinner is ready and gonna came and have your dinner okey let's do this." Together."
Hwaiting .

Introduction of Jeon's Family

Jeon Hye-kyo

Age : 32
Work : security of C.E.O
Family : husband and 2 sons
Friends : Mr Kim and Mrs kim
Habits : sweet,sunshine,
funny,strict,stubborn like his younger son, sassy women.

Jeon Dong wook

Age : 35Work : C

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Age : 35
Work : C.E.O of Jeon's
Family : wife and 2 sons
Friends : with Kim's
Habits : can kill anyone who dares to lay a finger in his family, possessive, kind , Lovely, protective

Jung Ho-seok/ hobi

Age : 27
Work : runs a dance academy
Family : mom dad oldest sis
Friends : taehyung, Seok-jin, Nam-joon, jimin
Status : in love
Habits : sweet, sunshine, funny, cute, strict

Okey 🪶

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