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It's been 5 days since taehyung walked out of jungkooks apartment that morning. Which means it's been five days since jungkook have heard from him.

    But that's okey, because for the last 5 days, jungkook have been too busy to really give him much thought as he was preparing for the upcoming basketball tournament.

Jungkook was really busy. He have to check every single details of the tournaments.

It's like full pressure on him.
Same goes to taehyung. He was busy with his company work since five days.

They both are busy. Jungkook nowadays, Gets up early and leaves early and come really late at his apartment. sometimes if he have much time he goes to visit his home.
Rather then that he was staying at his apartment.

As we all know, the tournament is  for internal players which means only university students can join that means the competition will be against uni vs uni.

From now, the team have to submit his team names and the university name to join the tournament.

So, here they are busy with collecting the name list of the players.

There were 3 desks. Each desks have 2 person to write down the details. Jungkook and mingyu was in one.

" please fill out the given details below and handed it to desk no.2." Jungkook said while giving the white paper to one of the boy.

They are doing great until one team shows up. Oh, how much they hate them. They have to attend them too.

As soon as jungkook notice the team. Not team more like  one boy. He rolls his eyes in annoying.

"Well, hello there." Mark said it with knowing smirked. He knows how much the other was getting annoyed with him.

Jungkook didn't said anything and give the same.ae paper to him. "Please fill it out and give to desk no.2 ." He said not looking at the boy.

"Humm, that's not so cool of you jeon." Mark said while taking paper in his hand.
He was standing there while reading the paper. Behind him there were other students also waiting in the line.

"If you are too much interested in reading could you please slide to the right and read it, there is so many more who wants to join." Mingyu said politely not wanna came as rude.

"Oh, I am not interested in studys more like I am interested in something." Mark said while looking at jungkook.

Jungkook give him death eyes. "Okey okey I am leaving sweet heart, bye bye." Mark lift with a wink. To annoy the younger more.

It's currently 5 at the evening and they are still in university. They stay to clean up before they left.

"Okey guys, we all know the tournament will be in next 2 weeks. We all have to practise more then now. We all know marks team was also here that means the competition will be getting turf, not only his team the team we all sighed up today are really good at himself. So we have to give our best. Total there will be 4 matches of each team.

Only two teams will be entering in final, we have to make it one of that team was ours team." Jungkook was dead seriously. All of his team mates were either nodding or staying silent. They know jungkook well and they all know that what ever jungkook decide will be best.

"As always this fixed team will be facing the final if we will be able to reach there, you guys will be having medical check up every 3 days to maintain your hygiene."

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