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After talking for sometime jungkook and other two boys left for there home. Not jungkook he straight goes to look for his apartment.

In 10 minutes he is under the huged building. He park his car and went inside. He wait for lift. He don't have to wait too long. He press the button his floor was in 19th.

The lift open the door. And he look left turn and he is infront of his apartment. He was wondering along with him is there anybody who live in this floor or was he is the only one. Cause it is dead silent.

He sign and went inside. He open the door and there are few workers doing there works. He went to them. They all greet him  as soon as her saw him and again start to work. Jungkook didn't disturb them. He left to look for his apartment. He went to see his bedroom. He was astuck when he saw the bedroom. As he wants the bedroom was designed in his likely.

He thanks his mom to choose every theme of his bedroom. He close the door and goes toward kitchen it was not finished at it may take time.

There is small tables. Enough for him. He came at living room. They still have to attached the sofa and TV. The living room was looking mess right now.

He sign when he saw the Woods and many more materials laying down in floor. He wants to help the workers but he doesn't know. What items is used for what purpose.

He turn towards workers.
" how long it will take you guys to wrap it up." He said politely. Smiling don't wanna be rude. One of the workers answer " it won't take long enough we will finished it till mind night,Don't worry sir." Jungkook sign " you guys don't have to overworked yourself you can just work till 6 then you may leave and came tomorrow morning to do it." We are almost finished with the kitchen set up we just have to make living room that's it." Jungkook don't know what to say. " okey then shutout yourself I will be leaving today."

The workers slidly bow to him. Jungkook leave from there closing the door. When he came outside. There he saw one boy struggling with some boxes. He goes toward the boy and offered him for help. " may I help you" he said while shoved his phone in his back pocket.

The boy look at him and smiled. " thank god you are an life saver angle, please" jungkook smile and pick two of the boxes when the boy was holding 3 boxes.

"By the way are you new here." The boy asked while walking. " Yeah " jungkook just simply replied. " thank  god, I have someone to talk from now on." The boy said with smile. " so, you are the one who is moving in 19th apartment. Jungkook nooded his head. They both came and stood infront of 22 room. The boy keep the boxes and open his door with card. Jungkook goes inside and place the boxes in floor.

" oh how mean, you help me and I still didn't ask for your name, by the way I am yugyeom, kim yugyeom what's your name." He said while forwarding his hand.
"Jungkook" he said while accepting his hand. " nice to meet you jungkookie " you look younger then me how old are you." " oh, I am 21"
" I am 23." They talk for a while and jungkook decide to leave. After betting good byes. He left for his house.

Taehyung pov's

I was peacefully working. When I hear the sound of my phone. I pick it up without looking who is it. " hello" hey bear how are you."
" namjoon hyung, oh god I missed you guys so much." I said dropping my head in my hand. Namjoon hyung laughed. " did you "
"Of course hyung " I said with deep signs. " by the way I called you to say that me and jin will be coming next week."

I get up from my chair. Don't believing what  just hyung said. " tell me you are not kidding." I said still in shocked. Why not cause they are coming after 2 years fuck after 2 years I am gonna see my hyung more like my emotional support. " not this time bear we will be there and yeah don't tell others."
I smile " you don't have to worry hyung just came back."
After little talk we cut the call.

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