chapter 3- Dark Cave

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Y/N pov:

I felt that world beneath me was shaking.It was such a loud crash.

As I was trying to digest this fact, I heard a loud thud and I looked behind me and I was not prepared for the scene behind me.

It was Jungkook and Empress Jeon with him and I stood up on my ground .

"What the hell you doing here?"

A dark dominant voice barked through my ears and I seen the angry face of Jungkook in there. His eyes were dark like he was trying to control his anger.

When he noticed my hand between taehyung's. He looked more engraged then he was,So I snatched my hand from his grip and it looks like my so called mother-in-law was enjoying the scene with a smirk.

He dashed towards me and grabbed my hands in his hands and there was a concerned look in his eyes for a minute.

"Who did it to you?"

I seen Mrs Jeon smirk changed into a "not so happy with the reaction" face.

"It was me. Who did it to her."

I was superised with how Mrs Jeon have guts to tell the truth to Jungkook and I seen tears in her eyes. But,I wish I should've known in past that it was all an act and not sympathy or misunderstanding.

"What are you saying,mother?"

Jungkook this words to Empress Jeon and his voice soften when he is talking to her.

"She dropped the tea in my chamber and I told her not to do it but she still cleaned it because she was guilty for it."

Jungkook held his mother in his arms and embraced her with love and patted her head while mumbling"it's okay."

While me and Taehyung was seeing all the drama of mother and son and there was clear look of annoyance is evident in his face.

After, Jungkook comforted Mrs Jeon and she left the room. He marched towards and held my wrist tightly in his grip and said

"You could've come to me if you were hurt there was no need to seek help from someone else other than your partner"

He took my hand and was ready to take me out from that luxurious royal room but i guess Taehyung have other plans

"I'm not somebody but a friend to her and a royal blood belongs to a royal blood anyways"

His this statement, made Jungkook enraged and he was ready to dashed towards him but he noticed Emperor Jeon was passing by this room so he tried to ignore him and dashed out of the room while holding my hand.

By now, I get it that Jungkook is more close with Empress Jeon and Taehyung is more close with Emperor Jeon while I guess both parties hate me.

As, me and Jungkook entered the room he throwed me towards royal red coloured chaised lounge.

Then took a aid box from the drawer and started ripping the bandages done by Taehyung and started applying his own.

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