Chapter 11-Rules

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Y/N pov:

He unbuckled his belt as he said,

"Looks like you haven't learnt your lesson."

I was so scared that I tried to move away from him.

But he pulled by my feet and he growled with anger.

He started to beat the hell out of me.

I felt like I can't breathe.

He was continuously hitting me
and I felt like I can't move.

I was numb,

I was breathless,

I was heartbroken,

I was suffering mentally more than physically.

I can't understand the man I'm living with.

Why he have to be so toxic and jealous about me.

He doesn't even have a heart .

When he was finished with me he went to sleep and I was laying on the cold floor.

It was enough for me to understand that he was drunk.

I stopped crying and was just looking at moon from my window and thinking of how I'm going to face Taehyung.

He have done everything for me and I couldn't even provide him with food.

I was thinking about alot of things like,

"Why women are always below men?"

"When will inequality towards will end?"

"Why I'm always overlooked?"

"Is I'm ugly cause I know I'm not fair and slim like other beautiful girls who Jungkook dated."

I slept while thinking this.

When I woke up I felt the warmthness of bed and someone was giving me wet kisses on my neck.

When I opened my eyes I felt that Jungkook was doing this.

I moved away from him slightly but he just hugged me and said,

"I'm sorry."

I replied him,

"For what?"

He again looked into my eyes with tears,

"For hitting you, I know I'm wrong and you can hit me as long as you want but please forgive me because I was drunk."

I just moved away from him to go to the bathroom and just freshen up.

When I come back Jungkook was not in the room.

I also leaved the room and entered the royal consort.

Everyone was looking at me including Jungkook.

I sat on my throne and Lisa was looking at me with envy.

Courtier was bringing all the matter to the King.

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