Chapter 27 - Abducted

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"Is it possible to conceal this scar?"

Y/N pov:

As soon as he removed the mask from his face, I felt my hands trembling, my breath shaking, and my sweat tickling down from my forehead to the bridge of my nose.

I was unable to maintain my balance.

I lost consciousness at that point and felt myself falling into Jungkook's arms.

I was not ready to process this information.

I needed time! a long time to consume this fact.

Jungkook pov:

Panic rushed over my face as soon as Y/N fell into my arms.

My breathing became labored as my hands shook her now-small, pale body, which had only moments before been robust and plump.

The blood seemed to have simply flown out of her body.

I just threw her into my arms in a bridal manner and began beating on her house like a crazy guy.

Iseul opened the door shortly afterward and was startled to see me, especially after noticing Y/N on my arms.

I was preoccupied and did not give a damn about her reaction, even though she appeared to have seen a ghost.

I simply shoved her aside and positioned Y/N next to her couch.

I could feel her gasp through the living room.

Iseul quickly obeyed my request to call the doctor and did so.

The doctor soon arrived, began examining Y/N, and soon said,

"It is just a little stress on her mind, so do not worry."

A sigh of relief passed over my breath.

My chest was in ease.

Bending over, Iseul uttered,

"King, I apologize for my stupidity. Please pardon me."

I simply gave her a friendly shoulder-hold and said ,

"What you did was exactly right; if it had not been you, she might not have been as lively. Instead, I should have thanked you for your unwavering support and care for my wife."

Author's pov:

Iseul simply bowed her head and offered to get Jungkook some tea, but the latter showed no interest in having any.

Instead, he again holds Y/N in his arms in a bridal manner before heading to her bedroom, where their children were also playing around.

As soon as they seen their mother unconscious, they both panicked and rushed towards Jungkook.

Jungkook steadily put Y/N on her bed and both children leapt over her.

They started massaging their mother arms and legs and there worries for their mother made Jungkook chuckle
Which made both the kids angry.

Jungkook tried to control his laugh but couldn't, making him a bad guy in front of those kids who thought he had hurted their mother.

They began striking him with their small hands, causing Jungkook to pick them up and explain that he was the masked man and that their mother had just passed out.

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