chapter 5- Someone to love

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After 1 month ago:

JK pov:

It's been 1 month since we're practicing for the war and even my troops are confused that why they're practicing so hard and this is the time to tell them about the war.

Emperor Jeon was their to tell them about the war and as fast as he tell them all about the war. Everyone panicked and their was tense look in their face and he also tell them that this is a "secret war" which means this news shouldn't fly to anyone, even their family.

There face was saying that they don't want to participate in the war but they can't reject it because they will killed either way so they kept their silence and started preparing even though we already tell them to prepare in secret even without their knowledge.

I went to my room and Y/N was shocked to see me in war attire and she come towards me and held my hand as she spoke

"What is this? Where are you going?"

"I'm going to kill your family"

I said without any emotions

"What?Are you serious?Watch your words."

There was a look of panicked evident in her face.

"I have never been so serious in my entire life even when we're getting married I was not serious but still it happened, so just think, now I'm serious, what will happened?"

She was enraged by my words but she tries to swallow it and again said calmly

"Why?Why you wants to destroy my family,my home,my land,my people?Why?:

"Due to revenge"

I said and she now looked in my eyes and again said calmly

"What revenge?"

"You know my father have son beside me and Taehyung and that son of theirs is lot more older than me and Taehyung. That son was made by the blood of Emperor Jeon,my father and Empress Jeon,my mother. So that was their very own baby. But he was killed by other kingdom for quench of thrust and that kingdom which killed them is Yang's Kingdom.

She looked like her heart was pulled out from her mouth but still I pulled her hands in tight grasp as I continued.

"That Kid was killed 17 years ago from now and he was the only child of Emperor and Empress. So you can guess, how dear he was to Emperor and Empress."

She tried to speak but couldn't find the right words out from her mouth.

"So that's where I'm going and better don't tries to pull any plays because I'm not in the mood to deal with you and we're going to attack them so you don't try to help them, come their or anything and that's why we're going to lock you in the room."

As I was going out from the room. She sit down on the ground and held my legs and said with tears in her eyes.

"Please don't kill them.I request you.I'm begging you for the life of my family,my land, my people.Please have some mercy in the name of lord."

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