Chapter 6 - Is this the end of us?

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2 days later:

JK pov:

It took us 2 days to travel from Jeon kingdom to Yang Kingdom even the Journey is long and exhausting for us.

We're hiding in a mountain which is part of Yang Kingdom

As we all are exhausted by the travel so we thought of energizing our body before attack

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As we all are exhausted by the travel so we thought of energizing our body before attack

We're staying there for sometime and after this we're going to attack on Yang Kingdom.

They'll were serving food to everyone and as soon as they served me a plate of food, Ingredient bothers my stomach, so I'm going to pass on this meal also.

The food they cook is very simple and sometimes I consider myself lucky because if Mrs Jeon,my mother wouldn't adopt me then I also have to live a tasteless life like them.

I was sitting at the outer part of mountain and I was so busy while staring at the scenery that I didn't noticed the darkness of the night.

Our general troop came towards me and said

"The night has come and now it's the time to attack Yang Kingdom."

This statement was enough to make me stand on my feet and our soldiers were going out of the cave.

And I was ready to follow them as I take the glimpse of the moon one last time and thought about Y/N that, "what she must be doing?" was all in my mind.

Y/N pov:

After all those struggles, we finally come to Yang Kingdom and as I see my people in the market I felt like crying and they were all looking at me because I was in bad condition.

I ignored their stares and said to Taehyung

"Please take me fast to my mom & dad. I want to meet them before anything happens."

I was crying while my head was on the shoulder of Taehyung and he replied

"Y/N, I'm here and we have come here now everything is gonna be alright,okay y/niee."

I nodded eventhough his back was facing me.

We soon entered the Kingdom and guards were shocked by seeing my condition. They helped to follow down and give me a glass of water.

I gave that glass of water to Taehyung and was going to enter the palace but they prohibited the entry of Taehyung.

I was going to tell them about Taehyung, when Taehyung gripped my shoulders and said

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