Chapter 14 - Concubine

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2 days ago

Y/N pov:

Here I'm without my own will sitting infront of people who I don't even want to face.

A old lady had been checking me from time to time to see my reaction. Lisa looks quite happy as she smirk to me from the corner while Jungkook is nervous and Mrs Jeon is expressionless.

I'm sitting in a quite comfortable chair while everyone else sitting in their position where they have to sit as we're in a court.

I was in a center and everyone was looking towards me. Some were curious,some were smirking and some were giving pity.

As with the time pass old ajhumma come towards me as she said,

"Be comfortable and let me check you,my highness".

With this she started to check my belly and was checking my pulse and atlast she smiled after looking at my foot.

"You're in a very well condition, my highness."

I smiled towards and Jungkook also smiled after looking at my baby bump and as soon as we made eye contact. I dropped my smile and looked towards the ajhumma.

She continued,

"Now it's time to determine the gender of the child. So let's go to a private room to check the gender,my highness."

She indicate me to move to the room but I just ignored and sit still until Jungkook come towards me and hold me by my shoulders and smiled towards ad he moved me towards the room and lay me down the bed.

The lady came towards me as she started to do the process but suddenly stopped as she looked at Jungkook and said,

"My royal highness, I have to check my highness in private."

Jungkook obliged her order and with this she told me to undress ad started to put her hand on my stomach and with this started to feel my baby and for one second she was beyond shocked as she looked at my face and started to hold my stomach vigorously and then stopped as she looked towards me with a smile.

Then she told me to put on the dress and started to ask me questions with this like my age, due date etc. Then she smiled at me and bowed down as she leaved the room and I leave the room with her as she whispered to Jungkook.

Jungkook was kinda sad but as she was whispering he got even more sad.

With these she left and Jungkook announced that it is a girl and with these I don't know even what to feel because if it was actually a girl then I would be happy but at the same time I believe in God more than anyone else to declare the gender.

Everyone congrats Jungkook eventhough they don't want to but they have to as they can't show their hypocrisy towards a child.

I see Lisa smiling with her heart out and Jungkook went to his room sadly and as I was about to follow Jungkook only then I see Lisa following him and I let her because I know that my love is stronger enough to not breakdown by her single meeting with him.

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