Chapter 26 - Scar

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As someone who has had insecurities in the past, I understand how terrible it can be to feel this way about yourself.

But what matters most is that he has a nice personality.

He is a good human being, and he is willing to send his daughter to school in this era.

I have made the decision never to inquire about his face again.

Author's pov:

Only if she knew that she is making Jk work more easier

As soon as time goes by,

Jungkook started to make Y/N close to him whether it's by dropping her to her home by her cart,making his adopted daughter in-yeong to be friends with rina.

They would go out for walks, have deep conversations, and share their thoughts and feelings with each other.

Y/N began to see a different side of Jungkook behind his mask, a side that was caring, compassionate, and understanding.

She realized that his personality was truly what made him attractive, not just his physical appearance.

As their bond grew stronger, Y/N found herself falling for Jungkook, not because of his face, but because of who he was as a person.

And in that moment, she knew that true beauty lies within, and she was grateful to have found that in Jungkook.

Jungkook was also exploring himself with Y/N, unconcerned about his kingdom's affairs.

They both gave a part of themselves to each other without realizing it.

Through this, Jungkook also learned of the existence of his son with Y/N. He was taken aback, but his son was not the driving force behind his reunion with Y/N; it was his love.

Jungkook realizes he could die for this woman and his sweet family.

He only adopted In-yeong for a few months before giving her to a caring family, but during that time she also gave him a fatherly sense before his own son and daughter.

Now that she was his own daughter, too, his previous thoughts about not giving his name to an adopted child-especially a girl-disappeared the moment he laid eyes on her.

A man in love can change for the better or worse just because of his woman.

And Y/N hold this power in Jungkook life.

Jungkook pov:

I was sending my daughter to school as usual when Y/N came up to me, blushing, and brought my daughter to her class.

I knew her, and I was going to take a nap in a nearby park.

I can't stay away from this woman.

Author pov:

Jungkook lays his head on a bench, and the mere thought of Minyoong crosses his mind.

He remembers Minyoong coming to their house in anger and drunk, which he did not like because In-yeong was also there, and he did not want her to be scared.

Minyoong discovered that Iseul had a daughter with a previous man after repeatedly inquiring from him.

Iseul is not someone Jungkook wants him to be close to because he knows that day will come and that he will know this fact one day.

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