Chapter 17 - Sacrifice

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Y/N pov:

"Their is one else to come out."

And I was shocked enough by her statement and eventhough I push and with these another baby come out.

Layla held the baby as she said,

"Your highness, it's a boy."

I put my head down and cried pathetically because I was shocked by her statement.

Eventhough I was sure that old lady statement must be wrong but still I'm shock and never thought I would especially give birth to a boy after leaving him.

I hold both of them in arms and looked them tenderly.

I was crying with my heart out isn't with the fact of happiness of having a boy and proving that ajhumma wrong but with the fact that I give birth to my babies when I'm only 8 months pregnant and they both manage to survive.

Layla and Iseul looked at me as Layla suddenly said,

"So your highness, are you going back to your royal highness."

I was quiet for awhile but I shrugged my shoulders annoyedly as I remember him going to Lisa chamber to spend night with her.

I made my mind, I will not think about  the man who didn't even cared once before throwing me away.

I shooked my head as I said,

"If only a boy was holding our relationship then it's better to cut the string."

They both nodded their head softly as Iseul put warm blanket on me and said,

"Yes your highness, you can do whatever you want and I will never judge your decision ever."

Layla agreed as they both started the carriage because we have to leave this place fast as by now Jungkook must have started to search.

JK pov:

I was here surrounded by guards as we all were searching for Y/N but till now we can't find her.

I feel like my heart will broke any second without her.

I need her.

I want her.

She is the only one who can actually understand me in this whole palace.

She was the first one who made me feel that I also existed in this palace and didn't had any love for the throne.

I feel like I can die any second if I don't find her.

I was finding her madly and even sent my guards to check in the border of the gate.

It had been 4 hours till I'm passing this forest.

It is 3 am in the morning but I can't even find any trace of her.

That's when guards approach me and said,

Guard1: Your royal highness, we have checked whole territory but we can't find the highness.


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