Chapter 22 - Deal

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After somedays:

Yang Minyoong pov:

I finally reached the Jeon kingdom and the first thing I wanted to do was to meet Jungkook to discuss with him about my sister.

As soon as I reached the kingdom, guards were quick enough to recognised me and was shocked but eventually they hold my arms and shouted,

"We found him,we found him King!"

With these they started dragging me towards his castle and I was kinda angry but also started smirking by thinking about the reaction of Jungkook after knowing about Y/N.

And as soon as they dragged me to the middle of the court. I can see people widening their eyes after looking at me.

After seeing their shocked expressions, I chuckled and moved my eyes towards Jungkook and made a fierce eye contact with him.

To say the least, he was shocked but not surprised as he chuckled and said,

"Wow Yang's,come to my door itself . Is they wish for death?"

I chuckled in returned as I said,

"Don't forget my sister who you dearly love was also one of the Yang's."

This statement was enough to darken the eyes of Jungkook as he said,

"Looks like it's your time to die."

With this Jungkook took out his sword and started moving towards him.

Author's Pov:

Yang Minyoong chuckled as he said,

"Oh Looks like this letter from Y/N would be good for nothing. "

Jungkook stopped in his steps as his eyes widened and he thrown his sword faraway as he started taking fast steps towards Minyoong and hold his jaw,

"Where is my Y/N letter? huh?"

Minyoong smirked as he said,

"First tell your guards to f* off,only then will I give you the letter."

With these Jungkook directed them to move and helped Minyoong to stand up eventhough how much he despise him,

Yang Minyoong put his hands inside his court pocket and took out the half burnt letter and give it to Jungkook.

With Jungkook took gradually and hold it as if it is soft as petals.

As he read the letter and half letter was burnt but it was enough for him to know that it was from Y/N by her handwriting.

He gradually sniffed the letter and put it close to his chest as he could feel his heart beating for 1st time after 3 years.

After sometime, he looked at Minyoong fiercely as he shouted,

"Where is Y/N? Where is she with my daughter?"

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