Chapter 21 - Brother don't

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After 2 days,

Y/N pov:

It has been 2 days since I delivered the letter to courier and it will take alot of time I guess for them to deliver it to another country because they have to distribute many letters.

My hometown is not very faraway from here and it only take me 1 day to enter this society but afterall they are courier men so it would take them time.

As always I got ready and went to Marques palace to teach his niece.

And always Marques flirting with me during his talks with me. I'm not naive to know that he is flirting with me especially when his cheeks start blushing it's enough to give a person guess but will he be same After knowing about my kids? Who cares.


Y/N's mother pov:

I was sitting comfortably on my couch but flinched as soon as I got the knock in my door.

I was scared for a minute.What if it's Jungkook? He is really a pain in the a** since Y/N disappeared from his life and honestly who wouldn't after torturing them and then claiming for love.

Men are ridiculous seriously (  ̄- ̄)

I got up from my couch and then got to the room of my son who I have been hiding since so many years from the King because I know it would be the end of our bloodline and I can't loose my only child now after Y/N.

After hiding him in the closet I went to open the door only to see a shabby old men who is looking at me with anger then annoyedly pass me a letter then got away I literally scoffed at his annoying behavior as I look at the letter in my hand and closed the door.

I went inside as I told my son to get out from the closet and hand him over the letter because the letter had no name,address or anything and usually his acquitance would write him up a letter like this to not look  suspicious.

As soon as he opened the letter he laughed very loud and sat down in the couch while laughing as he looked at me and said,

"looks like luxury has knocked our door."

As he hand me the letter and I was shocked to see the letter.

I know it's from Y/N her handwriting, her perfume scent just reminds me of her.

She wrote this letter to me and took the risk just for my sake. I'm really glad and she wrote up everything in secrecy manner.

She wrote about her health,then asking about my health and also about my grandchildren. Oh god!! how dearly I wants to meet them.

It made me give a relief to know that she is alive and well but the main thing is how she hide herself from Jungkook.

As I was thinking about this, my son looking at me with evil thoughts shrugged my shoulder and looked at me in the eyes with his smirk,

"Mom!! If we handover Y/N to Jungkook then you know what type of luxury he will award us! Then I will ask him to return our Kingdom back to us in return of Y/N."

I looked at him with shock as I give a slap at his shoulder as I said,

"No! Let her live her life with peace no need to involve that Jungkook in her life and I'm also happy with this luxury. If it wasn't for Y/N then we would have to sleep in streets. Atleast be grateful for once."

But he just rolled his eyes and said firmly,

"Handover the letter to me at this instant."

I understood his intentions so I run towards the fireplace and thrown the letter but he put his hand in the fire and took the letter which was half burnt like his hand.

My eyes got wide After seeing his hands being burnt by the fire but he not even caring about it just looked at the letter which was half burnt as he said,

"Thank god it didn't get fully burnt, even this half burnt letter is enough to desperate Jungkook."

I hold his hand as I said,

"Yang Minyoong, what have you done to your hand huh!! Just because of your madness. Let me apply some herbal medicine in it."

He stopped me with this hand as he said,

"No mother, now no medicine can heal me until I get my kingdom back! How can he take it? I will take revenge from him."

I slap my hand on my forehead as I looked at him,

"Minyoong, It will only make things more complicated just let things how it is. He took revenge, we lost your father and he lost Y/N also,let it be his karma and move on. Revenge only make things worse for both sides about Y/N, we haven't lost her! She is living her best life there but if we told this to Jungkook then what if we also lost her like how Jungkook lost her."

I continued,

"Please don't do this! She have children now! Don't you want to meet your little sister? She was crazy for you since childhood. Running around you, calling you brother,praising you everywhere and taking pride in your name. But have you done? Can't even protect her?For God sake forget about that throne."

I seen some tears in his eyes, as he put down the letter in the table as he said,

"Okay Mom! You're right. I should protect her and I promise to protect her until my last breath."

I smiled as I said,

"Very good! Let me bring ointment for you."

With these I went in my kitchen but that's when I heard a rough shut from the door and as soon as I went out, it was too late. He was gone with the letter.

Yang Minyoong pov:

Mother!! I will not break your promise but for that promise to work first we have to finish that Jungkook then we'll will live together like how we used to do.


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