Chapter 20 - Princess

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Jungkook pov:

I was sitting in my chamber after fighting with Lisa. She sometimes goes out of hand.

I'm really tired of my life!

One thing which most of the people must be asking that if Lisa annoys me so much then why I'm keeping her with me.

So long story short, When Y/N leave me. I thought to leave Lisa and take her title of my concubine and I did but after 2 days people protested because as royal rule a king can't rule without his queen and Lisa is not my queen but my concubine so this fact also angered people.

And many people even forced me to marry Lisa but the thing is I can't. Every year their would be a protest going on Lisa's birthday that why I didn't married her? She is the perfect queen for the castle as that's what people thought but only I knows that how much she struggles to write her own native language as she is grown up in foreign country and our rules also differs from them.

Well Lisa parents always wanted her to be all rounder and she is. She is good at I guess everything and this thing always attract people towards her and that's how I was also attracted to her because I thought I deserve someone as perfect as she but  I'm wrong I deserve someone as understanding as Y/N but she is also the one whom I don't deserve.

Y/N is a daylight, so kind and simple. My people hates her but whenever I'm around they act like they loved her as a queen but I also know that they hates her at top of that she is from another country and also on top of our rivals country so it's very simple the seed which my parents have planted in people's heart towards Y/N country was not easy to forget and after claiming that country as ours. There is also some type of fight going on due to diversity of people.

They also hate her for her simplicity and don't think of her as powerful because people in my country think that a women should accept all mistakes of men as this is what makes a women powerful and perfect but whereas in other hand Y/N runaway so they think of her as coward but only if they know I CAGED her.

Y/N just come back to me, I will treat you just like my little princess.


Y/N pov:

"Iseul!! Stop teasing me, okay. I was a princess but now I'm a teacher and ofcourse I'm better off being a teacher when people actually respects you for your worth and acts like it."

Iseul laughed as she said while looking at me with most alluring gaze,

"You're not just any other princess who have daddy's power and became a queen and I understand this when I seen you first time in the courtroom, I have listened from people that you're  not a wise queen and never made a decision so I had my hopes high for King but after seeing King in the side of my ex husband, I understood that's my end for giving birth to a girl and not gonna lie I had decided that now I will due with all the leftover dignity I have left but that's when..............."

She paused as she looked me in the eyes then continued,

"You speak up like a lioness not a princess as that's what people call you and that was the first time when I hear someone talking so boldly for me and your all points were valid not forced which made me have logic and not feel bad about myself. If it wasn't you then my daughter would have not born."

My eyes were filled with tears as I said,

"You're just like my sister. Don't ever say thankyou to me."

With these she hugged me hard out of emotions and I hugged her back. The love which I never get back from my own real blood related brother it was given to me by my little sister who can now do anything for me.

We completed our dinner and went our bed as I laid down my eyes were now filled with the thought of my brother that what he must be doing as long as I know him, he is clever enough to save himself and must be hiding somewhere.

But also his stupidity is one big of a thing.

I don't care about him. A person who is not true to his own parents then how will he even think about his own sister.

With these my head were also filled with the thoughts of my mother that what she must be doing and is she visiting my father's grave? Now I think of it, I have never visited my father's grave and I also wasn't so sorrowful when my father died. I feel like a bad daughter eventhough what my parents did was wrong but still I should be close to my mother when she is old afterall they gave me birth and I also want my children to give me respect when I get old but if I don't give respect to my own parents then how will they?

With these, I stood up and started writing a letter to my mother about her wellbeing and also started writing about all the small details of my living but also not including those details like for eg; I'm living off well mother with my decent job in this country instead of writing I'm a teacher and living in Pyongyang.

When I completed writing the letter then the main problem is how to send it. But I have listened about some illegal post officers who cross the border and send mails to different countries without requiring about your address.

So I guess that's  my way to send letters to mother now.

After writing all about my feelings and also asking about her well doing, I moved towards my bed with light heart after speaking about my feelings.

I waited for morning to send this letter to courier.


Hello guys sorry for late update! I know promised to post it on Sunday but believe me I have very tight schedule even though I wants to write the chapters and also wants to complete this story but I guess now update is only possible next week and once summer holidays came then I will try to post daily.

For then byeee!!👋

I guess 1104 words are enough for y'all

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