Chapter 12 - Pregnancy

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Y/N pov:

I felt the anger rushing towards my veins as I seen the scene infront of me.

Jungkook was hugging Lisa in her room.

Samantha(A concubine who used to sleep with Jungkook before the war) was standing behind me while smirking after seeing the scene.

I heard a whisper behind me,

"Looks like he is going to replace you just like me."

That's when the anger get the best part of me and I slapped her so hard.

Everyone was looking at me with shock including Lisa and jungkook.

Lisa smirked after seeing the scene which only build more anger and I was going to step towards her,

But I was so angry and sad to even care about their reactions and ran towards my room.

I was sitting in my room as always while my eyes were filled with tears of sorrowness after seeing my husband in the arms of other woman who was smirking and enjoying themselves with him

Sometimes I think what I have done to deserve this harsh treatment from my husband

Blood ran cold in my veins as I hear a loud thud from the door suddenly and I opened the door

His eyes fixed on my face as he begins speaking

"Who do you think you're to slap Samantha?I don't remember giving you the right to slap anyone around my palace."

His eyes hold no emotions as he look coldly at me

"Well surely, I have right to slap one of your concubines. Afterall I'm your wife, the queen of this palace."

He chuckled as he eyed me from top to bottom and then said those words which shattered my heart into million pieces and I felt like I want to turn my heart into stone at that very moment.

"You're no one other than our rivals daughter and I would have never ever married you in the first place if it isn't for the palace and my people.You're nothing compared to the woman I love, the woman I wanted to have.If it wasn't due to the throne then I would have never married  a woman like you."

I laughed sarcastically and harshly rubbed the tears under my eyes and said

"Woman like me? Who are you to say this after spending night with other women. Atleast I worked for this marriage not like you.You never ever cared about me,you only give me pain and regret.You're not even worthy to have the title of a husband,a partner and a king."

His eyes pierced into me as he said

"Why should I care about you when you're own parents didn't even cared about you before sending to me"

He smirked as he ended His sentence

"Then let's divorce and end this marriage, Jeon Jungkook"

He looked at me instantly and I can feel the shock because he never thought I would said this after 3 years of our marriage.

"What did you just said? Huh?"

He asked me gently while cupping my face.

I roughly throwed his hands off my face and said,

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