Chapter 16 - Runaway

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Y/N pov:

As I was tied to my bed I see a figure which I didn't expected.

It was Mrs Jeon.

She was standing in the door and when she sees me, she laughed.

I was embarrassed but still I managed to say,

"Aren't you embarrassed about your son? He is literally misbehaving with his wife."

She got silent then move towards me and started to remove the ropes this made me shocked and with this she said,

"I wasn't laughing on you but I was laughing on me."

She continued,

"It feels like faith have put someone through the same thing I suffered."

I looked at her as I said,

"What do you meant?"

Mrs Jeon: Well you know my husband the so called ex husband! He literally did the same thing to me. I was living a perfect life and I had a son with him who I cherished more than life.He always told me he never liked to have a girl child and that's why we only had 1 child.

She continued,

"I never noticed his toxic behavior (red flag) because I was so obsessed with my perfect life but that's when it shattered up , when your parents attacked us and killed my 17 years old son"Jeon Kyung Son".

I looked down but she hold my chin gently and made me look at her.

Mrs Jeon: I blamed everyone including you but was so blind to blame my husband when he was ready to sleep with another woman just after 2 weeks of the funeral. I felt I was pathetic and it felt so hard to leave him. That's when Jungkook come to my life.He was the son of my beloved younger sister who ran away with a commoner and I was jealous by her perfect life and happy for her also. Her husband loved her, can do anything for her but that's when they died when Jungkook was only 2 years so I thought of adopting him.

I was shocked but not surprised because I knew Jungkook was not her son but I also don't know that who was Jungkook of her's.

Mrs Jeon: He always followed my husband and always wanted to be a king. I always loved my Jungkook like my own son and he also does. He act like my husband, walk like my husband and also had toxic thinking like my husband which I never noticed till now. Now I does I will only tell you Y/N

She said with a whisper in my ear,

"RUN, And break this family chain just think your daughter will grow up and what will she think about her father? It's better to not have a father then feel unwanted. Don't do the mistake which I did."

I cried while looking at her as she hugged me and told,

"I will help you. Please run away, I know love hurts the most but when it gives pain to only one person then it is not love."

I nodded as I said,

"I will run away for my children."

Then we both went towards the door that's when it clicked in me that Jungkook instructed guards to not let me out.

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