Chapter 18 - Peaceful

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3 years ago:

Y/N pov:

I moved to Pyongyang(North Korea) as It was closer to Seoul and in addition both countries hate eachother so it would be difficult for Jungkook find me here.

I'm currently living here with Layla and Iseul.

Iseul lives with me as she contributed with me and we made the house while Layla lives with her hubby.

My twins grown up and is now 3 years old and Layla baby boy is 6 years old and Iseul baby girl is 4 years old.

We all live together happily.

Honestly I never felt so happy in my life.

I work as a teacher here and Iseul and Layla works as a maid in the kingdom because they weren't nobel so they don't have qualifications.

I teach poor nobels here who can't afford to study and I also teach commoners here as Nobels don't let me teach commoners together with their kids so I have made separate for all of them.

I only teach little kids here subjects like, political science and Science.There are many subjects like cooking,tea art, etiquettes but the thing is I have also failed these classes when I was a child. So it's better to stick to more science and maths oriented subjects.

I'm happy atleast I had basic degrees to teach and I'm also thankful that I carried my degrees with me so I can open institute here and teach them with license from the kingdom.

I feel independent here and Iseul and Layla made me feel like a family of their and honestly being a teacher is better than being a queen.

About Jungkook, I heard no news of him and also Mrs Jeon.But I know one thing he must have a child by now maybe a boy? Who cares.

As I was thinking about all this things suddenly someone put their hands above my eyes.

And suddenly opened it, I seen a boy carrying a plate.

As he put it infront of me and I seen some delicious food.

I said,

" wow, that's lookin' some delicious kimchi."

Suddenly my boy, leewon said,

"Mum, Iseul it."

He speaks broken words as he is not so good at speaking and a slow learner.

My daughter, Irina said,

"It's aunt not Iseul."

But my daughter is quite smart and fast learner. No wonder this boy is like me and my daughter is just like Jungkook but I wish that traits are not same.

Iseul come with her daughter and said,

"So everyone, take your food to dining table and Y/N freshen up, I will reheat your food."

I'm as always glad by her kindness said,

"Thankyou, my lady I will be back."

With this I send a flying! Me and Iseul live like husband and wife but the difference is we're very supportive of each other decisions whereas wives are seen below husband's in this Era.

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