Chapter 19 - Lonely

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Jk pov:

It's been 3 years,

It's been fuckin' 3 years since I can't find her.

It's been a pain in the heart as I always feel and whenever I think about her it feels like my heart will get squashed without seeing her face next to me in morning.(that's how I feel when I see my boy flirting with another girl)

I was in bathtub taking a long nice bath and thinking about the thoughts in my head. I had been finding her since a long time I have searched every particle of my land and even searched in her mother's house but she wasn't be found there instead her mother doesn't even have shown a little pain in her face.

I went out of the restroom and put on the clothes.

I was going towards the court that's when I seen Lisa sitting in the throne where Y/N used to sit. So this is not first time, she have sit their all the time and I politely said 'no' to her everytime but I guess that's not working.

So I went to her and said calmly,

"Why are you sitting here, Lisa?"

She looked at me while smiling,

"Can I sit here? I really like the softness and diamonds in these throne and it matches with my dress."

Now I said rudely,

"F*ck you, b*tch" (Just kidding sorry!)

"B*tch, are you delulu (again I'm kidding I'm just in mood lol)

"LISA! Do you even know how much this chair matters to me. It is not a asset which makes your dress excellent but a thing which holds a special place in my heart! My Y/N used to sit in this throne besides me looking like a queen everyday. This place belongs to my wife not you so stand f*cking up."

She looked afraid and Stood up and moved to her original seat.

Everyone was looking at me and I don't care because I was not in the mood to f*ck with them all.

The court hearing started and everyone went on their own work.

I have been finding Y/N like crazy but it's like she have not even left a trace for me.

I have been to many nearby states but I just can't find a trace of her.

I'm really missing her and I felt like dying everyday and it's not like I didn't tried to kill myself by aiming knife at my wrist and I did draw out some blood but that's when physician stopped me at right time and made me think about my wife and my daughter who I haven't even met till now so now my objective of life is to find my wife and daughter and win them back.

And not to lie but I have been feeling so lonely and now I can do anything for my woman.

I stood up from my throne as soon as court session ended and I started to walk towards my room that's when I Lisa stopped me in hallway.

I replied annoyedly as I rolled my eyes,

"What Lisa now?"

Lisa: what happened to you, Jungkook? You have changed a lot!

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