Chapter 2

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Sam's POV

I woke up late. I'm having my hangover. It's good that it's Saturday. I pull off myself from the bed and head Down stairs.

I quickly made myself some coffee. Yeah I don't have maids I just hired someone to do the laundry.

I'm more comfortable alone too. Even mom insists that I should hire one.

I'm still wondering who that girl is. Why does she resemble a lot to Mon. Or maybe my eyes are joking me. I still had her handkerchief upstairs.

Her perfume is also visible on it. It smells like a tulip flower my favorite scent.

But I still should not mind her. Tomorrow is me and mon's day. I had to prepare something for her. Maybe I will buy her some flowers.

I shall cook for her too. Her favorite dish.

On the second thought I think I will go home now to Mon. It's more peaceful there with her.

I then go upstairs again to take a bath I also took some medicine for my hang over. I also took fluffy with me.

Yes fluffy is my dog and he's with me for about 5 years

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Yes fluffy is my dog and he's with me for about 5 years.

Before dropping off to the other house I had buy some flower.

I choose some sunflower for her. She definitely will like it. And also buy her favorite milktea.

 And also buy her favorite milktea

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So me and fluffy go to our agenda. He's so adorable wearing his best shirt.

He's excited to go home in his mom's house.

After an hour we finally arrived. It's about sun set and I won't let this beautiful view slips my eyes.

I quickly put down fluffy who's now running to the sea.

I'm now here with my baby. My mon.

I then sit down to watch the sunset. Imagining I am watching it with her.

Fluffy still playing around. I just let him.

I put down the flower I had bought earlier.

"Hey baby I'm here. I missed you quickly that I even wish time will run past. I'm sorry if haven't visiting you this days. Work is so stuck up lately. But don't worry I don't overwork myself. Here I brought you your favorite milktea and of course flowers for you." I then watch the sunset.

They said that sunset means that even goodbyes can be beautiful

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They said that sunset means that even goodbyes can be beautiful.

Yeah just like my baby. She bids goodbye being beautiful.

I was cut in my thoughts when fluffy is no where to seen.

Wait where is he?

I then stand up and call him

"Fluffy! Fluffy! Come to daddy!" I said but still no sign of him

I then decided to walk a little bit far and I found him playing with someone.

I called him

"Hey fluffy come here!" I said

He then runs towards me and licks my face

"You been a bad boy. I have been looking for you" I said but still he licks me

I then laugh later fluffy is so sweet just like her mom.

I shall take a look at who he's playing with.

So I stand up to go near the tree.

But I didn't see anyone. Maybe she left. Yeah I'm sure it's a she for I see her hair joining the wind earlier.

I just shrugged and picked fluffy. We went back to the beach house and then I prepared him his food.

"Good boy~" I said as I saw him eat well his food

I then stand up and cook for myself.

I also decided to watch TV and chill. I really like this home. It's so peaceful. Peaceful being with the sea and her presence.

She will really like this house if she's here. Is baby proud of me?

And as for mon's parents I still haven't any news about them. I tried hiring some men to find them but they failed. I'm still curious they haven't visiting Mon here.

Maybe they move on but how can I move on if she's the best thing that ever been happened to me.

I didn't notice that it was getting late and I'm kinda tired so I decided to go in upstairs and take my sleep.

Author's POV

On the other hand fluffy is wiggling his tail on someone who's standing near the sea.

Fluffy has a small door for him so he can go do his thing outside. He recognized that person who played with him earlier in the tree.

Fluffy is found of her cause she's sweet and even pat his head saying

"Your so cute, fluffy is your name huh little one? But I think you should get in the house your owner will be worried again." The person said and then pat fluffy's head again.

It's like fluffy really understand what the person is saying. He then lick the person's hand and go inside the house.

"Good boy.." the person said seeing fluffy going back inside the house and decided to walk back to the cottage.

" the person said seeing fluffy going back inside the house and decided to walk back to the cottage

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Was it a ghost 👻?


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Photos are not mine giving the credits to the rightful owner.

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