Chapter 10

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Mon's POV

I'm now in a new hotel. I checked in again only to know that parents had found my savings account and froze it.

It's good that I had withdrawn some money before going to the pa tong.

But I know it will not last long. I need to find an apartment soon. And also I need to work.

Oh I remember the woman earlier she gave me her number. Maybe she can help me find a job.

I'm really thankful of her. She gives me a ride even if she doesn't know me.

But something from me saying that I know her. Her face is kinda familiar and her voice really calms me.

I also saw fluffy. He's the owner of fluffy the good boy. I didn't mention it cause she might think I am stalking her.

She sings also with me earlier. She's fun to be with. Her laughed is like music.

I then grabbed my phone and texted her.

"Hi I know we just met earlier but can you I have a favor?" I sent it

I waited for her to reply but still no sign of her.

Maybe she's sleeping.

So I decided to text her tomorrow again.

I need to sleep too so I have the strength to find an apartment tomorrow.

I then decided to sleep.

In the morning....

I decided to find an apartment today. I scroll on my phone and look for budget friendly apartments.

Oh this one is cute.

It's interiors is in touch of pink and white

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It's interiors is in touch of pink and white. My favorite color.

I then message the owner if still available and luckily it was.

I then decided to check out from the hotel and goes to the address of this apartment.

The owner is nice. She even give me food for lunch welcoming me. The rent does not cost too much.

The furnitures are with the house so I only need to buy few clothes again.

After fixing some of my things. I decided to message her again.

"Hey it's me the woman you give a ride yesterday" I texted

Later on she replied oh geez that's why I forgot to tell that it's me.

"Oh I'm sorry I thought you're someone else. What can I do?" She replied

"I need to find some job. I know it's too much but can you help me?" I said

"Oh of course I can help you. Send me your resume ASAP and I will text you back" she replied

She's so nice.

I then sent her my resume. Always had it with me cause it's an important matter.

 Always had it with me cause it's an important matter

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I hope I can find a job soon.

I then decided to go to the mall and buy some clothes.

I also had my milktea and lunch on the mall.

I also buy some stuff from the bookstore.

I want to buy a diary and write everything I had remembered.

After doing all the things I had I decided to go home.

I open my new diary and start writing things I remembered.

I also put the picture I had from the house.

Some petals of the sunflower from the sea.

My goal for these coming days is to find this girl with me in the picture.

Later on my phone beeps.

It's the woman from yesterday.

She said that I'm hired and I'm working starting tomorrow. She also said that the contract will be signed tomorrow.

I thank her. She's a really nice person giving me this kind of opportunity.

I wonder what type of job I am hired. But anything is fine it's for temporarily.

I smiled and continue writing on my diary. I even write the woman I met. What's her name?

I don't even had her name.

Later on I decided to cook for dinner. I cook some noodles. I don't really know how to cook and I still haven't have my grocery.

Maybe tomorrow after work?

After washing the dishes I go upstairs and lay on my bed.

I should sleep early Tomorrow is my first day at work here in Thailand!

I should sleep early Tomorrow is my first day at work here in Thailand!

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