Chapter 8

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Mon's POV

I am now on a bus. I took the last trip to pa tong. I already booked some cottages for me. I will stay there for maybe 2 days.

As I arrive at the resort the receptionist welcomes me and brings me to the cottage.

I still wonder why mon's fake Ashes was scattered in here?

I then decided to go to the sea side after I put my things on.

It's almost the sunset and it's so beautiful.

Now I know why maybe in my past life I like going to sea and watching this kind of scenery

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Now I know why maybe in my past life I like going to sea and watching this kind of scenery.

Oh Mon I wish I could remember more. Let me know you more. I'm tired of questioning my self existence.

I really want to capture this scene so I took a picture of it and I decided to watch it more until it's gone under a tree.

It's kinda dark on this side. But who cares I like dark places. It seems to be my safe place.

I was cut on sight seeing this scene when something licks on my feet.

Oh so cute It's a dog.

It keeps licking my feet so I pat it head. Then it licks my cheeks.

"Oh so sweet!" I said I'm still playing with it. He keeps on wiggling his tails

I wonder who's the owner or maybe he's lost?

"Where's your owner little one?" I asked

But he just continue wiggling his tails like he really know me.

But he just continue wiggling his tails like he really know me

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Later on I heard someone is calling a name

"Fluffy! fluffy!" Oh I think it's his owner.

The dog runs off me and quickly goes to his owner.

They look cute and the owner is worried but the dog just keeps on licking his owner.

I can't see the owner's face from here but she's a woman. I based on the voice earlier. It's kinda familiar though.


Oh I think I need to get a shower first so I left the beautiful scene of a dog and his owner.

I go inside the cottage and ready to take a bath.

I blend the water In the bathtub with a scent of tulip. Yeah it had been my favorite scent.

I enjoyed my bath. Taking my worries away. Then a flash of memories came in.

It's me taking a bath with someone? It's so blurry. I can't see that someone's face.

Later on my headache rise again. It happens every time I remembered something.

I then stop my bath and rinse my self.

I change into my clothes and drink my medicines.

I decided to walk again in the Sea side.

I need to think about things. And maybe I may find some clues about myself.

I walked and walk until I found this beautiful house near the sea side. It was stunning.

It is a well defined house

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It is a well defined house. Maybe the owner really loves the sea and came up to build it here.

I will do that too. But for now I will find myself first.

Later on a small bark was coming from my back and I saw him fluffy.

He's licking me again and wants me to play him but it's night now. And his owner may be worried again if it finds out that fluffy is missing.

I then persuade fluffy to get in. He's a good boy and followed my rules. I wish I had a dog like him too.

I then turn my back to walk again in my cottage when I notice a bouquet of sunflower and a milktea near the sea.

I read the note on the sunflower saying

"For my baby, Mon"

I'm so surprised that someone had been in here a while ago and I don't have the opportunity to meet that person.

That person definitely knows me. He even brought some flowers and milk tea for a dead person?

Oh how I wish I could see that person. I still have many questions to ask.

I then walk again but this time I get the flower and the milktea.

It's for the fee me anyway. So it's for me I'm still alive and I will gladly accept this present from someone who really knows me.

 So it's for me I'm still alive and I will gladly accept this present from someone who really knows me

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