Chapter 16

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Sam's POV

I am now at the office. I'm still working. Our rival company is giving us some problems. And it's making head ache.

They keep stealing investors from our company in which makes me angrier.

Those sh*ts doesn't work fair.

I give Mr. Hans some instructions to make schedule for the investors.

Later on the driver I had instructed to fetch ms Becky had text that he had drop off her safely.

Before I can go on reading contracts again a message pop up. It's from nam.

"Hey Sam! You wouldn't believe what I had see earlier in the hospital" that's the text

"I saw someone looks like Mon!! I even get her number!" Another text

Oh I forgot nam might see ms. Becky in the hospital.

"I know, let's talk about it later I'm in a middle of reading contracts" I replied and then put down my phone

And start reading again. I need to have solutions on this problems.

This company is really getting in nerves.

Later on Mr.hans updated me about the investors. They agreed to have meeting tomorrow at 10 am.

I'm planning to bring ms. Becky with me tomorrow.


At the meeting area .....

I am know in front of the investors. I giving them options and what they can benefit on our company.

Ms. Becky is just sitting beside me listing every details that we are talking about.

The investors seem to consider my offer.

Later on ms. Becky excuse her self to go in the rest room. I just nodded.

10 mins but still no sign of miss Becky. The investors also had go on their way.

I then decided to go in the rest room and follow her.

I notice some men in black like they we're looking for someone.

They're going on my direction. I didn't mind them. I'm just looking for one person.

I enter the rest room. I hear someone crying. And that's when my instinct become active.

I open each cubicle until I found her.

Ms. Becky.

She's crying and look so scared.

She hugged me like I'm her saviour.

She cried and cried until she fall in my arms.

She Black out.

I was worried. I wake her up but still she's not responding. But still she's breathing.

I then pull her up and bring her out the meeting place. I decided to go out in the exit cause my car is parked near it.

I gently put her in my car. Fear is still in her face. I gently remove some hair strands on her face.

What happened that makes her fear like this?

I drive and decided to bring her at my home since I still don't know her address.

I'm looking at her whenever there is a stop sign.

She's still sleeping.

Arriving at home fluffy welcome us. He's wiggling his tail like he knew this woman.

I carried her in my room and put her in the bed.

I put her some blanket.

I decided to go down and cook for dinner. Fluffy is now with me. I give him some food.

"You know that woman fluffy?" I said while patting his head

He just keep on wiggling his tails on me.

After cooking I go for a bath. And silently get some clothes in the wardrobe and go inside the bathroom room.

When I go out freshly from bath I noticed that she's awake.

"Hey ms. Becky how are you?" I asked

Shocked is still in her face. She was also surprised to see her self in my room

" I brought you here since you black out at the restaurant. What happened you seem so scared a while ago" I asked again

She just look at me and didn't say anything.

Okay I'm getting annoyed.

"Okay if you don't want to say anything it's fine I'm just your boss anything about that thing I'm out. Just go downstairs when you're feeling okay I had cooked dinner" I said coldly and walked out the room

I am really annoyed. Why does she doesn't want to tell me what happened. I'm just concerned.

Later on she come down but looking down in the floor.

She sits down opposite of my chair.

"I'm sorry boss I didn't want you to be stressed about me. I was scared because some men are looking for me. Anyway Thankyou for saving me" she said

Wait some men? So those men in black are after her? But why.

Well I don't have to mingle on her business as long as she's do her job as my assistant.

I just nodded and motioned her to start eating.

After eating she decided to go home at first I'm a little hesitant to let her but then she's so stubborn.

Just like my Mon.

So I decided to drop her home and then texted nam to meet me about the thing she had seen.

So I decided to drop her home and then texted nam to meet me about the thing she had seen

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