Chapter 25

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Mon's POV

I'm now in my bed. I'm still thinking of the studded confession of my boss.

It somehow gives me this butterfly feeling on my stomach. She's so sweet and gentle but sometimes serious.

Is she sick?

Hahaha that thought makes me laugh.

I was startled when I heard someone knocking.

Oh maybe the boss has to say something. I keep smiling while going down.

Opening the door.

I was surprised.

It's the men in black.

I ran and tried to close the door but it was too late.

They grab me with a handkerchief and then everything blacks out.

Sam ...

I wake up in a familiar room. I'm now in my own room in England.

And everything becomes clearer.

Mom and dad found me.

Later on mom comes in with food in hand.

She put it on the side table.

"Becky eat now" she said

I didn't answer and just looked at her.

"I know you're angry but it's the best for you" she said

"How? How is mom?" I said and tears started falling from my eyes.

"That woman. The woman you work with that Sam girl is the reason why you got in an accident. That's why I'm keeping you out of England but you and your stubbornness looks what consequences you had done" she said

I was very surprised to know that Sam is the reason why I got in an accident?

But how?

"You caught her cheating and that made you cross the street and someone hit you" she said

Was that true?

How can I trust mom?

She just walked away leaving me confused on what she said.

So my boss has been my lover who turned out to cheat and cause me the accident.

So the voice in my dreams was Sam's voice?

That's why I feel somewhat secured when I'm with her.

But how can Sam do it to me?

How can she cheat?

Questions are around my mind. It makes my head ache.

Wait so the one Sam had been grieving off in the beach house in pa tong is me?

But how can I trust Sam now? And how can I trust my own mother when from the beginning she had hidden everything from me.

I scream as my head aches become severe.

I need to remember everything. I can't trust anyone but myself.

I heard my mom came in and called for help.

I'm screaming to death I can't handle this feeling.

Somehow I missed Sam maybe her hug can make this go away.

Maybe her kisses can be my medicines.

Until I drifted to sleep.

Max's POV

I cares my daughter while she's sleeping. The doctor said Mon's keeping her self to remember that causes her the severe headache.

I know I'm a bad mother but I couldn't take if something will happen to Mon.

I'm sorry Mon.

I'm sorry Sam.

But please stay away from my daughter.

Matthew and I had decided something that will prevent Sam from going nearer to our daughter.

We had prepared everything while we were searching for her in Thailand.

This is the best thing we had and Mon has nothing to do with it.

If I had to blackmail my own daughter I will.

I am sure the news will spread right now and eventually Sam will know it.

I leave mon's room for her to rest.

I opened the TV in our room to watch some news and I'm right.

News had spread it very fast.

"Mr. Ian CEO of ***** company is now getting married with the daughter of the company he manages. It is rumored that the wedding date is coming nearer. Best wishes Mr. Ian and Ms. Becky Armstrong!"

I turn off the TV with a confident smile. The show must go on.

 The show must go on

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Hi guys thanks for reading this chapter ✨

Photos are not mine giving the credits to the rightful owner.

Last update for today it's election day!!! Gonna be busy!

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