Chapter 27

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Mon's POV

My parents now let me go around the house. But still I can't sneak out of the house.

There are so many bodyguards around.

I'm now sitting in the living room. Watching TV. my phone is confiscated.

They are so scared that I might disappear again.

Later on Mr. Ian the CEO came. He even brought flowers. I didn't mind him and let him sit in the opposite chair.

What does he even doing here?

I Heard my parents are coming too. Mom gets the remote and closes the TV.

What is it again?

"How lovely of you bringing flowers mr.ian" my mom said

She's smiling sweetly in front of him. Like he's the nicest person on earth.

"A good day to you both ma'am and sir" he said

"And to you Becky. These flowers are for you" he said

I didn't look I just nodded and I'm not a fan of those flowers unless it's from..

"Oh you don't have to call us ma'am and sir. You're gonna be our son in law." My mom said that would make me look at them.


Son in law?

"Wait mom what is happening?!" I said questioning them

"Oh you didn't know? We're getting married next week!" He said in a happy face

Getting married with him?

And next week no way!!

"Mom! You can't do This to me! Why do you keep controlling my life!" I said

"Ahmm ma'am and sir can I excuse myself?" Mr Ian said

He somehow feels the tension between me and my parents. Mr. Ian then left the house.

"You're gonna marry mr.ian Becky. Whether you like it or not. You had nothing to do we had set everything and announced it in public. And don't you dare do anything stupid young lady or I will hire men to kill that lady boss you had!" My mom said threatening me.

I was shocked she even had the urge to blackmail me her daughter.

And kill someone?

"You're not my mom I used to know before!" I said

She then cried and almost fainted even if I want to hold her i am mad at her.

"You should say sorry to your mom young lady!" My dad said as he hugged my mom

I just look at the both of them and then I quickly go upstairs and lock myself in the room.

How could they?

How can my parents do this to me.

They want me to Marry someone I don't love.

I keep crying under my blanket. I wish I could do something. If only I could contact someone that can help me.

I wish Sam is here even if I don't know the truth I know she will not let this things happened.

Later I heard a knock on the door. It's the maid and brought some food for me.

I stand up to get it. The maid left it outside. I still need to eat so I can have some strength.

I put the tray on the side table and I noticed that there is a small note under the float.

I get it and read it.

"Hey baby, Mon I already know the truth. Please let me explain everything to you when things come to its proper place. But for now keep on trusting me. I will soon get you out there take care if your self. I love you Mon." That's the note

Reading it and knowing it's from Sam makes me more sad. But still she wants me to trust her and I truly trust her than my parents.

Oh please hurry boss I'm about to married someone I don't love.

I hug the note and feel more secured. It means Sam has some connections inside the house. Maybe the maids?

She even had a note bring here even if there so many guards around the house.

I keep the note and eat the food serve and after that I take a shower to calm me more.

I somehow Misses Sam's hug and kisses.

I hope she arrives soon and I'm willing to listen on every reason she have about the accident happened five years ago.

I'm willing to forgive her but she should let me find and fix myself first.

I'm willing to forgive her but she should let me find and fix myself first

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