Chapter 8: Make a Wish

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The night air felt cool as they stumbled out of the bar, the effects of the drinks making each step a bit wobbly. They decided to take a leisurely walk through the city, passing by illuminated storefronts and the occasional passerby who was also enjoying the vibrant nightlife of Midgar.

As they strolled, they eventually found themselves in a park, its central attraction a large, majestic fountain. The water sparkled under the soft glow of the park's lights, and Cindy couldn't help but admire the serene beauty of it.

Kunsel, slightly swaying as he stood by the fountain, fumbled around in his pocket before retrieving a coin. Closing his eyes tightly, he made a wish and tossed the coin into the water with a flourish.

Cindy turned to Zack. "What's he doing?"

Zack leaned in to share the tradition with her. "It's a thing you do. You make a wish and toss a coin into the fountain. They say if your wish is sincere, it might come true."

Cindy nodded, her gaze fixed on the fountain as she thought about her wish. She closed her eyes for a moment, made her silent plea, and then tossed a coin into the water, watching as it disappeared beneath the surface with a soft splash.

Zack watched her with observant eyes, and a smile tugged at the corners of his lips. It was moments like these that made him realize how special the bond between them was becoming.

However, Kunsel, the most inebriated of the group, leaned in close to Zack, his speech slurred as he whispered something in Zack's ear. The crimson blush that crept onto Zack's cheeks was hard to miss.

Cindy, noticing the secrecy, couldn't help but laugh. She glanced at Zack with a playful expression. "What's with the hushed conversations?"

As Kunsel clarified that he was only sharing his wish with Zack, Cindy shrugged it off, the alcohol dulling any further curiosity she might have had. She found a spot on the edge of the fountain to sit, and Zack, deciding to join her, settled down next to her.

The alcohol had loosened her inhibitions, and she leaned against Zack. "You know," she began, her words slightly slurred, "I didn't know alcohol could make your mind all crazy."

He laughed at her tipsy state, enjoying the rare sight of her so relaxed. "Yep, it does that sometimes."

Finding herself without the usual barriers that kept her guarded, Cindy continued, "You know, the other female recruits talk about you a lot. They think you're good looking."

Zack's eyebrows shot up in surprise, but he couldn't help but grin. "Oh, do they now? What do you think?"

She laughed, her laughter almost musical to Zack's ears. She decided to tease him. "I think they need glasses."

However, Cindy's demeanor suddenly shifted, and she grew contemplative. "You know, I think that's why some of them were making fun of me," she admitted. "They're probably just jealous you're my partner."

Zack, feeling a surge of protectiveness and admiration for her, looked at her with a reassuring smile. "Nah, they're probably just jealous because you're so skilled."

She smiled at his words, her heartwarming. Despite the alcohol's influence, she appreciated his support and the lighthearted camaraderie they were sharing.

As Cindy leaned against him, Zack felt a whirlwind of emotions sweep through him. They had never been physically close like this before, and the alcohol coursing through his system added an extra layer of introspection to the moment. Her presence, the warmth of her body against his, was comforting and new, and it made him realize just how deeply he cared for her.

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