Chapter 24: Back to Midgar

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Cindy stirred in her sleep, gradually opening her eyes to the somewhat familiar surroundings of Zack's childhood bedroom. She sat up, still in a haze, her gaze wandering around as if trying to confirm the reality of the moment. The events from the day before flooded back into her consciousness, the confession of feelings that had been met with reciprocity. Confusion had given way to gratitude for the clarity she now possessed, and the future looked promising.

Her feet touched the cool floor as she stood, a sense of purpose guiding her toward her bag. Extracting a file, she settled on the floor, leaning against the bed with a contemplative breath. The file – a tangible connection to Hollanders lab, her father's lab – held secrets waiting to be unveiled. Before she could delve into its contents, a soft knock echoed through the room.

"Cindy? You awake yet?"

Panic seized her at the sound of Zack's voice. Hastily, she attempted to conceal the file beneath the bed, but the door swung open, catching her red-handed. Zack's furrowed eyebrows betrayed his curiosity and concern as he took a seat beside her.

"I thought I told you this was a vacation," he sighed, his gaze fixed on the file in her hand.

Attempting to mask her unease, Cindy replied shyly, "I'm just... preparing. Since we're going back to Midgar today. I wanna be ready."

He nodded understandingly, taking the file from her hand and placing it beside him. Zack then gently grasped her hand, his touch offering reassurance. "Everything will be okay, I promise."

However, doubt lingered in Cindy's mind—would everything truly be okay? Zack noticed her hesitation and nudged her playfully, a smirk dancing on his lips.

"You still love me, right?" he teased.

Slightly taken aback by his unexpected question, Cindy nodded. "You know I do."

His eyes, once playful, took on a more serious tone as he spoke, "So then trust me."

As Zack's words hung in the air, Cindy met his gaze. The vulnerability in his eyes mirrored her own uncertainties, yet there was an earnest sincerity that tugged at her heart. Silently, she nodded, a mixture of emotions playing across her features.

Zack's expression softened into a tender smile, his grip on her hand tightening ever so slightly. "We've been through a lot, Cindy. Trust me, this journey won't be any different. We'll face it together."

As they sat on the floor, the weight of the impending return to Midgar felt more manageable with Zack by her side. The file, a symbol of secrets and uncertainties, lay forgotten for the moment as the two embraced the quiet assurance in each other's company.

Zack's eyes sparkled with mischief as he broke the moment's seriousness. "Alright, enough deep thoughts. How about a change of pace?"

Cindy chuckled, appreciating the shift. "Sure, what do you have in mind?"

He feigned a contemplative expression, tapping his chin. "Well, I was thinking we could settle the age-old debate: pineapple on pizza – yes or no?"

Cindy playfully rolled her eyes. "Oh, not this again. Definitely a no for me. Fruit and pizza should never mix."

Zack grinned, leaning in as if sharing a profound secret. "Ah, but you're missing out on the sweet and savory magic. It's like a tropical vacation for your taste buds."

She laughed, nudging him. "I'll stick to the classic pepperoni. Safe and predictable."

He shrugged theatrically. "Fair enough. But one day, I'll convert you to Team Pineapple."

Cindy smirked. "Good luck with that, Zack. Some battles are just not meant to be won."

As their laughter subsided, Zack's gaze softened, his eyes reflecting a tenderness that tugged at Cindy's heartstrings. "I'm glad you're here," he admitted, his voice tinged with sincerity.

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